化学物質有害性情報データベース 物質情報

CAS 登録番号 CAS RN® : 1317380
官報公示整理番号 METI No. : 1-362
物質名 test material : 酸化銅(II) /Copper (II) oxide (CuO)
水溶解度 water solubility : 7891mg/L (推計値 estimated)
LogKow : 1.43 (推計値 estimated)
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* 化学物質有害性情報データベース情報更新日が2019年9月以前はRead-acrossデータでも○としていないので、毒性値の取り扱いには注意が必要である。

生物種 学名 影響内容 エンドポイント 暴露期間(値) 暴露期間(単位) 毒性値 毒性値(単位) Read-across * QSAR GLP 設定濃度 実測濃度 情報源 情報源による信頼性評価 著者 タイトル 記載誌 発行年 情報更新日
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藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (previous names: Raphidocelis subcapitata, Selenastrum capricornutum) biomass, the growth rate, the pigment diversity , the autotrophic index an optimal concentration range 1~35 μg/L [Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 3 days 10 mg/L [~10 mg/L, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Fungi Reproduction (Seed or spore production) LOEC 21 days 100 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pradhan,A., S. Seena, C. Pascoal, and F. Cassio Can Metal Nanoparticles be a Threat to Microbial Decomposers of Plant Litter in Streams? Microb. Ecol.62(1): 58-68 2011 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 8 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LT50 0.83 days 100 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth (Growth rate) 3 days 0.504 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2019/02/13
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth (Growth rate) EC50 3 days 0.014 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2019/02/13
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth (Growth rate) EC50 3 days 11.55 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth (Growth rate) EC50 3 days 0.71 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2019/02/13
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth (Growth rate) EC50 3 days 0.025 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Fungi Population (Biomass) LOEC 21 days 100 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pradhan,A., S. Seena, C. Pascoal, and F. Cassio Can Metal Nanoparticles be a Threat to Microbial Decomposers of Plant Litter in Streams? Microb. Ecol.62(1): 58-68 2011 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 2 days 40 mg/L [~40 mg/L, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 2.5 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 5 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 7 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth (Growth rate) 3 days 9.1 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 1.5 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 4 days 2.8 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 Chlorella sp. Physiology (Photosystem II (PSII) electron transport activity) IC50 0.02 days 47 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 Chlorella sp. Physiology (Photosystem II (PSII) electron transport activity) IC50 0.02 days 57 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth (Growth rate) EC50 3 days 0.02 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days 30 mg/L [~30 mg/L, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 8 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 4 days 4.3 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 3 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 2.5 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 2 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 5 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 7 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 others Nitellopsis obtusa Mortality LC50 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
藻類 Raphidocelis subcapitata Growth rate EC20 72 hours 0.504 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2022/01/25
藻類 Raphidocelis subcapitata Growth rate EC20 72 hours 9.1 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2022/01/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth (Growth rate) NOEC 3 days 6.4 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2019/02/13
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth (Growth rate) EC50 3 days 0.025 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2019/02/13
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth (Growth rate) NOEC 3 days 8.03 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2019/02/13
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth (Growth rate) NOEC 3 days 0.421 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2019/02/13
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth (Growth rate) NOEC 3 days 6.4 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2019/02/13
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth EC50 3 days 25 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2018/03/09
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth NOEC 3 days 6400 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2018/03/09
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth NOEC 3 days 6400 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2018/03/09
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth NOEC 3 days 8030 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2018/03/09
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth NOEC 3 days 421 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2018/03/09
藻類 Chlorella sp. Chlorella sp. Physiology IC50 0.5 hours 47000 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thomas Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2018/03/16
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth EC50 3 days 25 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2018/03/09
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth EC50 3 days 710 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2018/03/09
藻類 Chlorella sp. Chlorella sp. Physiology IC50 0.5 hours 57000 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thomas Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2018/03/16
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth EC50 3 days 14 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2018/03/09
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth EC50 3 days 11550 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2018/03/09
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth EC50 3 days 20 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2018/03/09
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth EC20 3 days 9100 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2016/03/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Growth EC20 3 days 504 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2016/03/25
藻類 Raphidocelis subcapitata Growth rate EC50 72 hours 0.025 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2022/01/25
藻類 Raphidocelis subcapitata Growth rate EC50 72 hours 11.55 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2022/01/25
藻類 Raphidocelis subcapitata Growth rate EC50 72 hours 0.02 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2022/01/25
藻類 Raphidocelis subcapitata Growth rate EC50 72 hours 0.71 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2022/01/25
藻類 Raphidocelis subcapitata Growth rate EC50 72 hours 0.014 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2022/01/25
藻類 Raphidocelis subcapitata Growth rate EC50 72 hours 0.025 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2022/01/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (previous names: Raphidocelis subcapitata, Selenastrum capricornutum) growth rate EC50 72 hours 37 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (previous names: Raphidocelis subcapitata, Selenastrum capricornutum) growth rate EC50 72 hours 18 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (previous names: Raphidocelis subcapitata, Selenastrum capricornutum) growth rate EC50 72 hours 46 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 824 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata biomass EC50 72 hours 245 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2005 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 122 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata biomass EC50 72 hours 32 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2005 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata biomass EC50 72 hours 194 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2005 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata biomass EC50 72 hours 36.9 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2005 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata biomass EC50 72 hours 163 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2005 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata biomass EC50 72 hours 84 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2005 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata biomass EC50 72 hours 152 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2005 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 602 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 92 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 368 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 811 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 199 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 462 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 219 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata biomass EC50 72 hours 16.5 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2005 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 190 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 156 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 268 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 35 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 93 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 346 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 111 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 773 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 99 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 209 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 506 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 296 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 254 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 60 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 200 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 446 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 238 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 987 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 35 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 380 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 59 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 205 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 174 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 55 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 105 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 99 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 151 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 30 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 51 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 440 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata biomass EC50 72 hours 108 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2005 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata biomass EC50 72 hours 52.7 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2005 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata biomass EC50 72 hours 65.4 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2005 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata biomass EC50 72 hours 33.9 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2005 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 230 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata biomass EC50 72 hours 113 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2005 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 178 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 281 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 161 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 685 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 102 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata biomass EC50 72 hours 97.4 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2005 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 208 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 100 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 333 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 193 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth rate EC50 72 hours 756 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2003 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC50 72 hours 364 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Raphidocelis subcapitata Growth rate NOEC 72 hours 0.421 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2022/01/25
藻類 Raphidocelis subcapitata Growth rate NOEC 72 hours 8.03 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2022/01/25
藻類 Raphidocelis subcapitata Growth rate NOEC 72 hours 6.4 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2022/01/25
藻類 Raphidocelis subcapitata Growth rate NOEC 72 hours 6.4 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Aruoja,V., H.C. Dubourguier, K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to Microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Sci. Total Environ.407(4): 1461-1468 2009 2022/01/25
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris NOEC/L(E)C10 137 その他others [μg Cu/L] 4 OECD SIDS (HPVC) 2019/03/27
藻類 Phaeodactylum tricornutum NOECs/EC10 4 μg/L 4 OECD SIDS (HPVC) 2019/03/27
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris NOEC(s) / EC10 137 その他others [μgCu/L] 4 OECD SIDS (HPVC) 2019/03/27
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 52.9 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 56.4 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 61.8 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 65.5 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 94.7 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 49 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (previous names: Raphidocelis subcapitata, Selenastrum capricornutum) biomass NOEC 72 hours 49 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Vardy DW, Oellers J, Doering JA, Hollert H, Giesy JP, Hecker M Sensitivity of early life stages of white sturgeon, rainbow trout and fathead minnow to copper Ecotoxicology 22:139-147 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 23.1 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 164 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 35.4 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer, K.J.M. et al. Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environ Toxicol Chem. 2004; 23(12):2971-80. 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 19.3 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.A.C. & Janssen, C.R. A biotic ligand model predicting acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna: the effects of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and pH Environ.Sci.Technol. 36, 48-84 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 15.7 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (previous names: Raphidocelis subcapitata, Selenastrum capricornutum) biomass NOEC 72 hours 13.5 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol 22, No. 10, pp. 2454-2465, 2003 2021/10/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (previous names: Raphidocelis subcapitata, Selenastrum capricornutum) biomass NOEC 72 hours 94.7 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol 22, No. 10, pp. 2454-2465, 2003 2021/10/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (previous names: Raphidocelis subcapitata, Selenastrum capricornutum) biomass NOEC 72 hours 15.7 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol 22, No. 10, pp. 2454-2465, 2003 2021/10/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (previous names: Raphidocelis subcapitata, Selenastrum capricornutum) biomass NOEC 72 hours 19.3 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol 22, No. 10, pp. 2454-2465, 2003 2021/10/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (previous names: Raphidocelis subcapitata, Selenastrum capricornutum) biomass NOEC 72 hours 17.9 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol 22, No. 10, pp. 2454-2465, 2003 2021/10/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (previous names: Raphidocelis subcapitata, Selenastrum capricornutum) biomass NOEC 72 hours 35.4 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Vardy DW, Oellers J, Doering JA, Hollert H, Giesy JP, Hecker M Sensitivity of early life stages of white sturgeon, rainbow trout and fathead minnow to copper Ecotoxicology 22:139-147 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 23.1 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.A.C et al. Refinement and field validation of a biotic ligand model predicting acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Comparative biochemistry and physiology part C, 133, 243-258 2021/10/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (previous names: Raphidocelis subcapitata, Selenastrum capricornutum) biomass NOEC 72 hours 61.8 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Vardy DW, Oellers J, Doering JA, Hollert H, Giesy JP, Hecker M Sensitivity of early life stages of white sturgeon, rainbow trout and fathead minnow to copper Ecotoxicology 22:139-147 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 15.7 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 17.9 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 19.3 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (previous names: Raphidocelis subcapitata, Selenastrum capricornutum) biomass NOEC 72 hours 56.4 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Vardy DW, Oellers J, Doering JA, Hollert H, Giesy JP, Hecker M Sensitivity of early life stages of white sturgeon, rainbow trout and fathead minnow to copper Ecotoxicology 22:139-147 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 23.1 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 94.7 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 65.5 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 61.8 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (previous names: Raphidocelis subcapitata, Selenastrum capricornutum) biomass NOEC 72 hours 52.9 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (previous names: Raphidocelis subcapitata, Selenastrum capricornutum) biomass NOEC 72 hours 65.5 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (previous names: Raphidocelis subcapitata, Selenastrum capricornutum) biomass NOEC 72 hours 164 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 23.1 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 56.4 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 52.9 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 49 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 164 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 35.4 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 other algae: Raphidocelis subcapitata biomass NOEC 72 hours 17.9 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 188 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 188 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 31 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 510 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 56 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Phaeodactylum tricornutum growth rate EC10 72 hours 2.9 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Simpson, S. et al. Effect of declining toxicant concentrations on algal bioassay endpoints Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/17
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 57.5 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 36 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 407 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 111.2 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 112.8 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 59.1 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 110.6 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 63.9 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Skeletonema costatum growth rate NOEC 72 hours 7.54 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 study report 2006 2018/02/17
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 108 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 159 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 89.2 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 132 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 84 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Phaeodactylum tricornutum growth rate NOEC 72 hours 5.7 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 study report 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 37.6 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 173 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 99 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 85 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 162 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 49.4 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 283 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 53.3 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Chlorella vulgaris growth rate EC10 72 hours 404 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.C. and Janssen, C.R. Bioavailability Models for Predicting Copper Toxicity to Freshwater Green Microalgae as a Function of Water Chemistry Environ. Sci. Technol 2006 2018/03/08
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 91.3 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 54.6 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 60.2 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 97.2 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 170.8 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 67.7 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 53.7 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 174 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 19.4 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata cell number NOEC 72 hours 40.8 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere K.A.C., F.M. Vasconcelos, D.G. Heijerick, F.M.G. Tack, K. Delbeke, H.E. Allen, C.R. Janssen Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003 2018/02/18
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Intoxication (Immobile) NOEC 2 days 0.4 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality EC50 1 days 874 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Intoxication (Immobile) NOEC 2 days 40 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality EC50 1 days 152 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality EC50 1 days 92.7 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality EC50 1 days 546 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality EC50 1 days 90.3 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality EC50 1 days 1550 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality EC50 1 days 112 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Intoxication (Immobile) LC50 2 days 2.6 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality EC50 1 days 1518 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality EC50 1 days 217 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality EC50 1 days 129 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality EC50 1 days 1054 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality NOEC 1 days 20 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days >1500 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality EC50 1 days 593 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 1566 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 149 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 200 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days >200 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Intoxication (Immobile) LC50 2 days 131.8 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality NOEC 1 days 0.4 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 1737 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality LC50 1 days 8.5 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality LC50 1 days 75.6 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality LC50 1 days 1.7 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality LC50 1 days 9.8 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality 1 days 1.32 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Thamnocephalus platyurus Mortality 1 days 49.7 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2019/02/13
甲殻類 others Tigriopus japonicus Mortality 4 days mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Park,J., S. Kim, J. Yoo, J.S. Lee, J.W. Park, and J. Jung Effect of Salinity on Acute Copper and Zinc Toxicity to Tigriopus japonicus: The Difference Between Metal Ions and Nanoparticles Mar. Pollut. Bull.85(2): 526-531 2014 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 799 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Intoxication (Immobile) 2 days 90.7 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Intoxication (Immobile) 2 days 0.96 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 844 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Intoxication (Immobile) EC50 2 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Lewis,M.A. Effect of Loading Density on the Acute Toxicities of Surfactants, Copper, and Phenol to Daphnia magna Straus Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.12(1): 51-55 1983 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 224 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days >1500 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 160 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 92.7 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2019/02/13
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 844000 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Intoxication NOEC 2 days 400 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days >1500000 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Intoxication NOEC 2 days 40000 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Intoxication LC50 2 days 131800 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Intoxication LC50 2 days 2600 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 200000 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Intoxication EC50 2 days 11~39 [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Lewis,M.A. Effect of Loading Density on the Acute Toxicities of Surfactants, Copper, and Phenol to Daphnia magna Straus Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.12(1): 51-55 1983 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 149000 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 1566000 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 799000 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days >1500000 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 160000 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 224000 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days >200000 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 92700 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 1737000 μg/L [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Physiology LC20 2 days 90700 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Physiology LC20 2 days 960 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 48 hours 1737 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Immobilization NOEC 48 hours 0.4 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Immobilization NOEC 48 hours 40 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Immobilization LC50 48 hours 131.8 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Immobilization LC50 48 hours 2.6 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Immobilization LC20 48 hours 90.7 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Immobilization LC20 48 hours 0.96 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Heinlaan,M., A. Ivask, I. Blinova, H.C. Dubourguier, and A. Kahru Toxicity of Nanosized and Bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to Bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus Chemosphere71(7): 1308-1316 2008 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 48 hours 149 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 48 hours 200 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 48 hours 1566 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 48 hours 1500 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 48 hours 160 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Immobilization EC50 48 hours 11~39 μg/L 16 ECOTOX Lewis,M.A. Effect of Loading Density on the Acute Toxicities of Surfactants, Copper, and Phenol to Daphnia magna Straus Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.12(1): 51-55 1983 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 48 hours 200 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 48 hours 844 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 48 hours 224 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 48 hours 92.7 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 48 hours 1500 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 48 hours 799 mg/L 16 ECOTOX Blinova,I., A. Ivask, M. Heinlaan, M. Mortimer, and A. Kahru Ecotoxicity of Nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in Natural Water Environ. Pollut.158(1): 41-47 2010 2022/01/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia L(E)C50 34 その他others [μgCu/L] 4 OECD SIDS (HPVC) 2019/03/27
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 79.2 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 29.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 68.31 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 141.6 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 10.4 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 134.2 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 322 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 9.2 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 292 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 332 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 53.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 311 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 542 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 14.74 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 2.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 7.7 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 50.6 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 220 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 128 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 304 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 192 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 86.6 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 638 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 261 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 129 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours >295 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 172.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 31.65 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 279 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 30 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 42 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Johnson BM, Chao MM, Tedrow OR, McQueen AD, Rodgers JH Jr. Responses of Lepomis macrochirus, Pimephales promelas, Hyalella azteca, Ceriodaphnia dubia, and Daphnia magna to exposures of Algimycin PWF and copper sulfate pentahydrate Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46:176-183 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 39 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Johnson BM, Chao MM, Tedrow OR, McQueen AD, Rodgers JH Jr. Responses of Lepomis macrochirus, Pimephales promelas, Hyalella azteca, Ceriodaphnia dubia, and Daphnia magna to exposures of Algimycin PWF and copper sulfate pentahydrate Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46:176-183 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 44 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 14 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 87 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 4.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 354 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 69 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 124 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 22.8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 15.3 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 16.7 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 21.1 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 71 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 159 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 25.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 93 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 9 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Long KE, Van Genderen EJ, Klaine SJ The effects of low hardness and pH on copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(1):72-75 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 99 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 25.3 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 12 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Long KE, Van Genderen EJ, Klaine SJ The effects of low hardness and pH on copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(1):72-75 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 47.3 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 130.5 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 122.5 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 88.8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 100 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 178 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 23 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Long KE, Van Genderen EJ, Klaine SJ The effects of low hardness and pH on copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(1):72-75 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 109.7 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 78.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 60.3 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 104 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 100 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 14.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 77.3 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 25 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 21 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 118.5 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 101.8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 19 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 31 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 39 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 177 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 157 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 30.8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 38.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 45.1 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 187.6 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 35.23 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 34.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Cooper NL, Bidwell JR, Kumar A Toxicity of copper, lead, and zinc mixtures to Ceriodaphnia dubia and Daphnia carinata Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72:1523-1528 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 43.1 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 2 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 11 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Long KE, Van Genderen EJ, Klaine SJ The effects of low hardness and pH on copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(1):72-75 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mobility EC50 24 hours 23.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Markich SJ, Batley GE, Stauber JL, Rogers NJ, Apte SC, Hyne RV, Bowles KC, Wilde KL, Creighton NM Hardness corrections for copper are inappropriate for protecting sensitive freshwater biota Chemosphere 60:1-8 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 47 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 30 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Hyne RV, Pablo F, Julli M, Markich SJ Influence of water chemistry on the acute toxicity of copper and zinc to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia cf dubia Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(7);1667-1675 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 6.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Hyne RV, Pablo F, Julli M, Markich SJ Influence of water chemistry on the acute toxicity of copper and zinc to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia cf dubia Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(7);1667-1675 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 11.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 2 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Hyne RV, Pablo F, Julli M, Markich SJ Influence of water chemistry on the acute toxicity of copper and zinc to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia cf dubia Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(7);1667-1675 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 77.4 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 11.1 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Hyne RV, Pablo F, Julli M, Markich SJ Influence of water chemistry on the acute toxicity of copper and zinc to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia cf dubia Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(7);1667-1675 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 10 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 106.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 109 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 40 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 34 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 135.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 7.4 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Hyne RV, Pablo F, Julli M, Markich SJ Influence of water chemistry on the acute toxicity of copper and zinc to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia cf dubia Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(7);1667-1675 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 87.39 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 116.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Bossuyt BTA, Janssen CR Variability of the protective effect of sodium on the acute toxicity of copper to freshwater cladocerans Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(3):535-542 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mobility EC50 48 hours 11.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Bossuyt BTA, Janssen CR Variability of the protective effect of sodium on the acute toxicity of copper to freshwater cladocerans Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(3):535-542 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 3.98 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Hyne RV, Pablo F, Julli M, Markich SJ Influence of water chemistry on the acute toxicity of copper and zinc to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia cf dubia Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(7);1667-1675 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 6.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 19.28 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Markich SJ, Batley GE, Stauber JL, Rogers NJ, Apte SC, Hyne RV, Bowles KC, Wilde KL, Creighton NM Hardness corrections for copper are inappropriate for protecting sensitive freshwater biota Chemosphere 60:1-8 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 96.23 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mobility EC50 48 hours <13 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Markich SJ, Batley GE, Stauber JL, Rogers NJ, Apte SC, Hyne RV, Bowles KC, Wilde KL, Creighton NM Hardness corrections for copper are inappropriate for protecting sensitive freshwater biota Chemosphere 60:1-8 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mobility EC50 48 hours 14 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Hyne RV, Pablo F, Julli M, Markich SJ Influence of water chemistry on the acute toxicity of copper and zinc to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia cf dubia Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(7);1667-1675 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mobility EC50 48 hours <5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Markich SJ, Batley GE, Stauber JL, Rogers NJ, Apte SC, Hyne RV, Bowles KC, Wilde KL, Creighton NM Hardness corrections for copper are inappropriate for protecting sensitive freshwater biota Chemosphere 60:1-8 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 19.24 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Markich SJ, Batley GE, Stauber JL, Rogers NJ, Apte SC, Hyne RV, Bowles KC, Wilde KL, Creighton NM Hardness corrections for copper are inappropriate for protecting sensitive freshwater biota Chemosphere 60:1-8 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 6.18 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Hyne RV, Pablo F, Julli M, Markich SJ Influence of water chemistry on the acute toxicity of copper and zinc to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia cf dubia Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(7);1667-1675 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 28.3 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 8.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 24.43 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Hyne RV, Pablo F, Julli M, Markich SJ Influence of water chemistry on the acute toxicity of copper and zinc to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia cf dubia Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(7);1667-1675 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 50 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CR Using the biotic ligand model for predicting the acute sensitivity of cladoceran dominated communities to copper in natural surface waters Environmental Science and Technology 38:5030-5037 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 3.8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CR Using the biotic ligand model for predicting the acute sensitivity of cladoceran dominated communities to copper in natural surface waters Environmental Science and Technology 38:5030-5037 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 7.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CR Using the biotic ligand model for predicting the acute sensitivity of cladoceran dominated communities to copper in natural surface waters Environmental Science and Technology 38:5030-5037 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 7.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CR Using the biotic ligand model for predicting the acute sensitivity of cladoceran dominated communities to copper in natural surface waters Environmental Science and Technology 38:5030-5037 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 7.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CR Using the biotic ligand model for predicting the acute sensitivity of cladoceran dominated communities to copper in natural surface waters Environmental Science and Technology 38:5030-5037 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours <32.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 5.5 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 155.7 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 32 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Long KE, Van Genderen EJ, Klaine SJ The effects of low hardness and pH on copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(1):72-75 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 15.58 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Markich SJ, Batley GE, Stauber JL, Rogers NJ, Apte SC, Hyne RV, Bowles KC, Wilde KL, Creighton NM Hardness corrections for copper are inappropriate for protecting sensitive freshwater biota Chemosphere 60:1-8 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 6.03 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 10.14 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 37.78 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 1.6 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 4.9 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 207 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 32 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 30 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 96 hours 5 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Long KE, Van Genderen EJ, Klaine SJ The effects of low hardness and pH on copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(1):72-75 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mobility EC50 96 hours 42 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Long KE, Van Genderen EJ, Klaine SJ The effects of low hardness and pH on copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(1):72-75 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 314 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Long KE, Van Genderen EJ, Klaine SJ The effects of low hardness and pH on copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(1):72-75 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 6.6 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Markich SJ, Batley GE, Stauber JL, Rogers NJ, Apte SC, Hyne RV, Bowles KC, Wilde KL, Creighton NM Hardness corrections for copper are inappropriate for protecting sensitive freshwater biota Chemosphere 60:1-8 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 308 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Long KE, Van Genderen EJ, Klaine SJ The effects of low hardness and pH on copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(1):72-75 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 28.9 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Bossuyt BTA, Janssen CR Variability of the protective effect of sodium on the acute toxicity of copper to freshwater cladocerans Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(3):535-542 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mobility EC50 48 hours 50 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Markich SJ, Batley GE, Stauber JL, Rogers NJ, Apte SC, Hyne RV, Bowles KC, Wilde KL, Creighton NM Hardness corrections for copper are inappropriate for protecting sensitive freshwater biota Chemosphere 60:1-8 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 9.46 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Hyne RV, Pablo F, Julli M, Markich SJ Influence of water chemistry on the acute toxicity of copper and zinc to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia cf dubia Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(7);1667-1675 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mobility EC50 24 hours 12 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Markich SJ, Batley GE, Stauber JL, Rogers NJ, Apte SC, Hyne RV, Bowles KC, Wilde KL, Creighton NM Hardness corrections for copper are inappropriate for protecting sensitive freshwater biota Chemosphere 60:1-8 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 9.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 151 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 276 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 430 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Long KE, Van Genderen EJ, Klaine SJ The effects of low hardness and pH on copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(1):72-75 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 6.5 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 1.6 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 2.2 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 73 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 1.6 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mobility EC50 48 hours 9.7 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Bossuyt BTA, Janssen CR Variability of the protective effect of sodium on the acute toxicity of copper to freshwater cladocerans Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(3):535-542 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mobility EC50 48 hours 6.7 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Bossuyt BTA, Janssen CR Variability of the protective effect of sodium on the acute toxicity of copper to freshwater cladocerans Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(3):535-542 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 170 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 2.8 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 208 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 16 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 11 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 23 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia immobility EC50 48 hours 42 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mobility EC50 48 hours 1 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Bossuyt BTA, Janssen CR Variability of the protective effect of sodium on the acute toxicity of copper to freshwater cladocerans Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(3):535-542 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 2 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 21 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CR Using the biotic ligand model for predicting the acute sensitivity of cladoceran dominated communities to copper in natural surface waters Environmental Science and Technology 38:5030-5037 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 19.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Bossuyt BTA, Janssen CR Variability of the protective effect of sodium on the acute toxicity of copper to freshwater cladocerans Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(3):535-542 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 40.6 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 18 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 81.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 275 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 607 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 60.6 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 212 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 372 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 24.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 21.6 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Heijerick DG, Janssen CR Comparison of the effect of different pH buffering techniques on the toxicity of copper and zinc to Daphnia magna and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology 13:697-705 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours >184.7 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 14.7 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Heijerick DG, Janssen CR Comparison of the effect of different pH buffering techniques on the toxicity of copper and zinc to Daphnia magna and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology 13:697-705 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 19.4 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Heijerick DG, Janssen CR Comparison of the effect of different pH buffering techniques on the toxicity of copper and zinc to Daphnia magna and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology 13:697-705 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 108.8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 32 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 257 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 7.8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 32.3 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 29.4 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Bossuyt BTA, Janssen CR Variability of the protective effect of sodium on the acute toxicity of copper to freshwater cladocerans Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(3):535-542 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 17.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Bossuyt BTA, Janssen CR Variability of the protective effect of sodium on the acute toxicity of copper to freshwater cladocerans Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(3):535-542 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 68.4 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Heijerick DG, Janssen CR Comparison of the effect of different pH buffering techniques on the toxicity of copper and zinc to Daphnia magna and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology 13:697-705 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 48.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 4.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Heijerick DG, Janssen CR Comparison of the effect of different pH buffering techniques on the toxicity of copper and zinc to Daphnia magna and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology 13:697-705 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 25.9 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Bossuyt BTA, Janssen CR Variability of the protective effect of sodium on the acute toxicity of copper to freshwater cladocerans Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(3):535-542 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 21.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Bossuyt BTA, Janssen CR Variability of the protective effect of sodium on the acute toxicity of copper to freshwater cladocerans Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(3):535-542 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 24.3 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 56.9 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 59.9 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 12.1 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 2.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Bossuyt BTA, Janssen CR Variability of the protective effect of sodium on the acute toxicity of copper to freshwater cladocerans Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(3):535-542 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality EC50 48 hours 157 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 53.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 125.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 206 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 235.9 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 239.8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 60 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality EC50 48 hours >111 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 156.1 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality EC50 48 hours 147 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality EC50 48 hours 267 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality EC50 48 hours 30 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Wang N, Mebane CA, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Brumbaugh WG, Santore RC, Gorsuch JW, Arnold WR Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2115-2125 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 12 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Wang N, Mebane CA, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Brumbaugh WG, Santore RC, Gorsuch JW, Arnold WR Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2115-2125 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 2 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality EC50 48 hours 25 μg/L [meas. (initial) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 6.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 67.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Heijerick DG, Janssen CR Comparison of the effect of different pH buffering techniques on the toxicity of copper and zinc to Daphnia magna and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology 13:697-705 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 8.3 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 12.1 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 27.8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 5.7 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 100 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 7.3 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 66.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 3.7 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 8.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 30.5 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 56.1 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 72 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 104.5 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 8.9 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Villavicencio G, Urrestarazu P, Carvajal C, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CJ, Torres JC, Rodriguez PH Biotic Ligand Model prediction of copper toxicity to daphnids in a range of natural waters in Chile Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(5):1287-1299 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 1.6 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Nimmo DWR, Johnson RW, Preul MA, Pillsbury RW, Self JR, Bergey EA Determining site-specific toxicity of copper to daphnids and fishes in a brown-water ecosystem Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21(3):481-491 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 8.6 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 26.6 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 29.1 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Nimmo DWR, Johnson RW, Preul MA, Pillsbury RW, Self JR, Bergey EA Determining site-specific toxicity of copper to daphnids and fishes in a brown-water ecosystem Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21(3):481-491 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 7 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 17.7 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 3.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 9.3 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Nimmo DWR, Johnson RW, Preul MA, Pillsbury RW, Self JR, Bergey EA Determining site-specific toxicity of copper to daphnids and fishes in a brown-water ecosystem Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21(3):481-491 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 8.3 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 5.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Nimmo DWR, Johnson RW, Preul MA, Pillsbury RW, Self JR, Bergey EA Determining site-specific toxicity of copper to daphnids and fishes in a brown-water ecosystem Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21(3):481-491 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 18.8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 1 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Nimmo DWR, Johnson RW, Preul MA, Pillsbury RW, Self JR, Bergey EA Determining site-specific toxicity of copper to daphnids and fishes in a brown-water ecosystem Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21(3):481-491 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 0.5 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Nimmo DWR, Johnson RW, Preul MA, Pillsbury RW, Self JR, Bergey EA Determining site-specific toxicity of copper to daphnids and fishes in a brown-water ecosystem Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21(3):481-491 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 81.06 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 68.45 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mobility EC50 48 hours 42.2 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Hyne RV, Pablo F, Julli M, Markich SJ Influence of water chemistry on the acute toxicity of copper and zinc to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia cf dubia Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(7);1667-1675 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mobility EC50 48 hours 7.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Hyne RV, Pablo F, Julli M, Markich SJ Influence of water chemistry on the acute toxicity of copper and zinc to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia cf dubia Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(7);1667-1675 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 7.4 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Hyne RV, Pablo F, Julli M, Markich SJ Influence of water chemistry on the acute toxicity of copper and zinc to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia cf dubia Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(7);1667-1675 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna immobility EC50 48 hours 16.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Nimmo DWR, Johnson RW, Preul MA, Pillsbury RW, Self JR, Bergey EA Determining site-specific toxicity of copper to daphnids and fishes in a brown-water ecosystem Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21(3):481-491 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 14.1 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Vasconcelos FM, Tack FMG, Allen HE, Janssen CR Effect of dissolved organic matter source on acute copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(5):1248-1255 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 2.6 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Nimmo DWR, Johnson RW, Preul MA, Pillsbury RW, Self JR, Bergey EA Determining site-specific toxicity of copper to daphnids and fishes in a brown-water ecosystem Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21(3):481-491 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 58.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 78.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality EC50 48 hours 61.82 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Fulton BA, Meyer JS Development of a regression model to predict copper toxicity to Daphnia magna and site-specific copper criteria across multiple surface-water drainages in an arid landscape Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1865-1873 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 302 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 23.1 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 4.9 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 25.9 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 148 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 26.2 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 29.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 20.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 44.1 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 37 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 36.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 5.02 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 5.38 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 39.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 207 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 10.4 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 131 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and dissolved organic matter source on the acute toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna in soft waters: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(8):1663-1670 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna EC50 48 hours 26 μg/L 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) Lewis MA Effect of loading density on the acute toxicities of surfactants, copper, and phenol to Daphnia magna Straus Arch Environ Contam Toxicol,12 Environ Contam Toxicol, 12 2022/01/20
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 9.8 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1972 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 76 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Belanger SC and Cherry DS Interacting effects of pH acclimation, pH and heaby metals on acute and chronic toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia (cladocera) Journal of Crustacean Biology 1990 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 91 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Belanger SC and Cherry DS Interacting effects of pH acclimation, pH and heaby metals on acute and chronic toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia (cladocera) Journal of Crustacean Biology 1990 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 84 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Belanger SC and Cherry DS Interacting effects of pH acclimation, pH and heaby metals on acute and chronic toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia (cladocera) Journal of Crustacean Biology 1990 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 31 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Belanger SC and Cherry DS Interacting effects of pH acclimation, pH and heaby metals on acute and chronic toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia (cladocera) Journal of Crustacean Biology 1990 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 366 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 188 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 39.6 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1993 2018/03/07
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 10.8 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1993 2018/03/07
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 8.5 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1993 2018/03/07
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 332 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 70 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1978 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 60 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1972 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 295 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 276 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 399 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 40 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1978 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 33.8 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 37.9 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 529 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 90 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1978 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 92.6 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 648 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 257 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 484 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 119 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 826 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 93 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Belanger SC and Cherry DS Interacting effects of pH acclimation, pH and heaby metals on acute and chronic toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia (cladocera) Journal of Crustacean Biology 1990 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 26 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1983 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 526 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 686 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 210 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 281 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 292 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 276 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 106 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 200 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 100 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 35.2 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 31.8 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1983 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 40.9 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 152 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 10 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1978 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 35 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1993 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 38 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1993 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 175 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 37 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1993 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 58 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1993 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 7 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1978 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 792 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 56 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Belanger SC and Cherry DS Interacting effects of pH acclimation, pH and heaby metals on acute and chronic toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia (cladocera) Journal of Crustacean Biology 1990 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 39 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1993 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 30 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1980 2018/03/07
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 38 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1980 2018/03/07
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 28 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Belanger SC and Cherry DS Interacting effects of pH acclimation, pH and heaby metals on acute and chronic toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia (cladocera) Journal of Crustacean Biology 1990 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 52 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Belanger SC and Cherry DS Interacting effects of pH acclimation, pH and heaby metals on acute and chronic toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia (cladocera) Journal of Crustacean Biology 1990 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 14 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Belanger SC and Cherry DS Interacting effects of pH acclimation, pH and heaby metals on acute and chronic toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia (cladocera) Journal of Crustacean Biology 1990 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 31 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1993 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 388 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 50 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1993 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 46 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1993 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 52 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1993 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 28 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 157 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 9.5 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1993 2018/03/07
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 46 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 30 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1993 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 300 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 52 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 44 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 136 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 229 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 39 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1993 2018/03/07
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 244 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 100 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 66 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1986 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 421 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 43 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 69 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1980 2018/03/07
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 289 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 117 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 109 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 46.9 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1993 2018/03/07
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 46.3 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1993 2018/03/07
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 465 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 26 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1980 2018/03/07
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 1213 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 36 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 26 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 25 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 23 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 28 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 32 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 33 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 34 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 51 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1993 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 31 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1993 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 27 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 28 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1993 2018/03/07
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality LC50 48 hours 200 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1993 2018/03/07
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 20 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 22 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 37 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 39 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 42 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1987 2018/03/08
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 380 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mobility EC50 48 hours 798 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2002 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality LC50 48 hours 63 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1993 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna EC50 48 hours 48.3 ppm 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. Sylvester 1997 2018/02/20
甲殻類 others Penaeus monodon NOECs/EC10 145 μg/L 4 OECD SIDS (HPVC) 2019/03/27
甲殻類 others Ceriodaphnia dubia and Oncorhynchus mykiss NOEC(s) / EC10 12 その他others [μgCu/L] 4 OECD SIDS (HPVC) 2019/03/27
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC50 21 days 118 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 71.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC50 21 days 10.3 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC10 21 days 32.9 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC10 21 days 6 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC10 21 days 10.7 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC50 21 days 73.6 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC20 21 days 9.5 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC20 21 days 47 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC20 21 days 7.1 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC50 21 days 7.9 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC10 21 days 8.8 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC10 21 days 1.8 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC50 21 days 11.5 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC10 21 days 70.5 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 19(4):449-455 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC50 21 days 133 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Santore, R.C. et al. Biotic ligand model of the acute toxicity of metals. 2. Application to acute copper toxicity in freshwater fish and Daphnia Environ Toxicol Chem. 2001; 20(10):2397-402 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 106 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia reproduction EC10 7 days 46 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC50 21 days 26.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 8.2 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC50 21 days 265 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Cerda, B and Olive, J.H. Effects of Diet on Seven-Day Ceriodaphnia dubia Toxicity Tests Ohio J. Sci. 93 (3): 44-47, 1993 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 181 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 19(4):449-455 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC10 21 days 56.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 19(4):449-455 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 21.5 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC10 21 days 46.5 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 19(4):449-455 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC10 21 days 76.9 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Regenmortel T, Janssen CR, De Schamphelaere KAC Comparison of the capacity of two biotic ligand models to predict chronic copper toxicity to two Daphnia magna clones and formulation of a generalized bioavailability model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34(7): 1597-1608 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC50 21 days 83.9 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Dehghani S, Akbari S, Soltanian S, Shamsaei HA, Parvizi S Comparison of tissue-specific Cu bioaccumulation patterns and sensitivity to waterborne Cu in two freshwater fish: common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and its subspecies mirror carp World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences 4(4):349-355 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC50 21 days 14.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Alsop D, Wood CM Metal uptake and acute toxicity in zebrafish: common mechanisms across multiple metals Aquatic Toxicology 105:385-393 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC50 21 days 41.7 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Alsop D, Wood CM Metal uptake and acute toxicity in zebrafish: common mechanisms across multiple metals Aquatic Toxicology 105:385-393 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC20 21 days 62.1 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC20 21 days 79.6 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC20 21 days 12 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Regenmortel T, Janssen CR, De Schamphelaere KAC Comparison of the capacity of two biotic ligand models to predict chronic copper toxicity to two Daphnia magna clones and formulation of a generalized bioavailability model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34(7): 1597-1608 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC20 21 days 36.1 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Regenmortel T, Janssen CR, De Schamphelaere KAC Comparison of the capacity of two biotic ligand models to predict chronic copper toxicity to two Daphnia magna clones and formulation of a generalized bioavailability model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34(7): 1597-1608 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC10 21 days 55.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC10 21 days 50.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 19(4):449-455 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 18 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 19(4):449-455 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 20 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 40 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Wang N, Mebane CA, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Brumbaugh WG, Santore RC, Gorsuch JW, Arnold WR Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2115-2125 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC20 21 days 19 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Wang N, Mebane CA, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Brumbaugh WG, Santore RC, Gorsuch JW, Arnold WR Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2115-2125 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC50 21 days 22 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Wang N, Mebane CA, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Brumbaugh WG, Santore RC, Gorsuch JW, Arnold WR Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2115-2125 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia sp. mortality NOEC 7 days 20 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Wang N, Mebane CA, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Brumbaugh WG, Santore RC, Gorsuch JW, Arnold WR Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2115-2125 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia sp. reproduction NOEC 7 days 10 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Wang N, Mebane CA, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Brumbaugh WG, Santore RC, Gorsuch JW, Arnold WR Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2115-2125 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia reproduction EC10 7 days 29 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 10 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Wang N, Mebane CA, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Brumbaugh WG, Santore RC, Gorsuch JW, Arnold WR Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2115-2125 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia reproduction EC10 7 days 34 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction LOEC 21 days 30 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 19(4):449-455 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC10 21 days 56.1 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 19(4):449-455 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC10 21 days 57.1 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 19(4):449-455 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia reproduction NOEC 7 days 8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia reproduction EC10 7 days 25 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Besser JM, Wang N, Dwyer FJ, Mayer FL, Ingersoll CG Assessing contaminant sensitivity of endangered and threatened aquatic species: Part II. Chronic toxicity of copper and pentachlorophenol to two endangered species and two surrogate species Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 48:155-165 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality EC10 7 days 200 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Besser JM, Wang N, Dwyer FJ, Mayer FL, Ingersoll CG Assessing contaminant sensitivity of endangered and threatened aquatic species: Part II. Chronic toxicity of copper and pentachlorophenol to two endangered species and two surrogate species Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 48:155-165 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 20 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Wang N, Mebane CA, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Brumbaugh WG, Santore RC, Gorsuch JW, Arnold WR Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2115-2125 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Wang N, Mebane CA, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Brumbaugh WG, Santore RC, Gorsuch JW, Arnold WR Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2115-2125 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 5.7 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna population growth NOEC 21 days 36.8 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Yim JH, Kim KW, Kim SD Effect of hardness on acute toxicity of metal mixtures using Daphnia magna: prediction of acid mine drainage toxicity Journal of Hazardous Materials B138:16-21 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna mortality NOEC 21 days 36.8 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Yim JH, Kim KW, Kim SD Effect of hardness on acute toxicity of metal mixtures using Daphnia magna: prediction of acid mine drainage toxicity Journal of Hazardous Materials B138:16-21 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna growth NOEC 21 days 12.6 μg/L [meas. dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Wang N, Mebane CA, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Brumbaugh WG, Santore RC, Gorsuch JW, Arnold WR Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2115-2125 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC50 21 days 34.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Adam N, Vakurov A, Knapen D, Blust R The chronic toxicity of CuO nanoparticles and copper salt to Daphnia magna Journal of Hazardous materials 283:416-422 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 28 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Adam N, Vakurov A, Knapen D, Blust R The chronic toxicity of CuO nanoparticles and copper salt to Daphnia magna Journal of Hazardous materials 283:416-422 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 4 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Regenmortel T, Janssen CR, De Schamphelaere KAC Comparison of the capacity of two biotic ligand models to predict chronic copper toxicity to two Daphnia magna clones and formulation of a generalized bioavailability model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34(7): 1597-1608 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 29 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Cerda, B and Olive, J.H. Effects of Diet on Seven-Day Ceriodaphnia dubia Toxicity Tests Ohio J. Sci. 93 (3): 44-47, 1993 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC10 21 days 17 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Wang N, Mebane CA, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Brumbaugh WG, Santore RC, Gorsuch JW, Arnold WR Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2115-2125 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Wang N, Mebane CA, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Brumbaugh WG, Santore RC, Gorsuch JW, Arnold WR Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2115-2125 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Wang N, Mebane CA, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Brumbaugh WG, Santore RC, Gorsuch JW, Arnold WR Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2115-2125 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality EC10 7 days 91 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Dwyer FJ, Mayer FL, Sappington LC, Buckler DR, Bridges CM, Greer IE, Hardesty DK, Henke CE, Ingersoll CG, Kunz JL, Whites DW, Augspurger T, Mount DR, Hattala K, Neuderfer GN Assessing contaminant sensitivity of endangered and threatened aquatic species: Part I. Acute toxicity of five chemicals Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 48:143-154 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality EC10 7 days 65 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality EC10 7 days 10 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality EC10 7 days 20 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Regenmortel T, Janssen CR, De Schamphelaere KAC Comparison of the capacity of two biotic ligand models to predict chronic copper toxicity to two Daphnia magna clones and formulation of a generalized bioavailability model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34(7): 1597-1608 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 5.9 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC50 21 days 32.8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Adam N, Vakurov A, Knapen D, Blust R The chronic toxicity of CuO nanoparticles and copper salt to Daphnia magna Journal of Hazardous materials 283:416-422 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction EC50 21 days 75.6 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 15 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Wang N, Mebane CA, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Brumbaugh WG, Santore RC, Gorsuch JW, Arnold WR Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2115-2125 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 30 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Regenmortel T, Janssen CR, De Schamphelaere KAC Comparison of the capacity of two biotic ligand models to predict chronic copper toxicity to two Daphnia magna clones and formulation of a generalized bioavailability model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34(7): 1597-1608 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 5 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Regenmortel T, Janssen CR, De Schamphelaere KAC Comparison of the capacity of two biotic ligand models to predict chronic copper toxicity to two Daphnia magna clones and formulation of a generalized bioavailability model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34(7): 1597-1608 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 20 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Wang N, Mebane CA, Kunz JL, Ingersoll CG, Brumbaugh WG, Santore RC, Gorsuch JW, Arnold WR Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2115-2125 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 68.8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia sp. reproduction NOEC 7 days 20 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Belanger, S.E. & Cherry, D.S. Interacting Effects of pH Acclimation, pH and Heavy Metals on Acute and Chronic Toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia (Cladocera) J. Crustacean Biology. 1990 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia sp. reproduction NOEC 7 days 20 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Belanger, S.E. & Cherry, D.S. Interacting Effects of pH Acclimation, pH and Heavy Metals on Acute and Chronic Toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia (Cladocera) J. Crustacean Biology. 1990 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia sp. reproduction NOEC 7 days 31.6 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Spehar, R.L. & Fiandt, J.T. Acute and Chronic Effects of Water Quality Criteria Based Metal Mixtures on Three Aquatic Species Environmental Research Laboratory, USEPA. Report No. EPA/600/3-85/074 1985 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 181 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2001 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia sp. mortality NOEC 7 days 19 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Jop, K.M. et al. Development of a Water-Effect Ratio for Copper, Cadmium and Lead for the Great Works River in Maine Using Ceriodaphnia dubia and Salvelinus fontinalis Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 1995 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia sp. reproduction NOEC 7 days 24.1 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Belanger, S.E. et al. Effects of Diet, Water Hardness and Population Source on Acute and Chronic Copper Toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 1989 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Mercenaria mercenaria development NOEC 288 hours 7 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 LaBreche, T.M.C. et al. Copper Toxicity to Larval Mercenaria mercenaria (hard clam) Environ Toxicol Chem 2002 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia sp. reproduction NOEC 7 days 20 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Belanger, S.E. & Cherry, D.S. Interacting Effects of pH Acclimation, pH and Heavy Metals on Acute and Chronic Toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia (Cladocera) J. Crustacean Biology. 1990 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia sp. reproduction NOEC 7 days 10 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Jop, K.M. et al. Development of a Water-Effect Ratio for Copper, Cadmium and Lead for the Great Works River in Maine Using Ceriodaphnia dubia and Salvelinus fontinalis Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 1995 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Crassostrea gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 19.53 μg/L [Total + labile Cu] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2006 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia sp. reproduction NOEC 7 days 10 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Belanger, S.E. & Cherry, D.S. Interacting Effects of pH Acclimation, pH and Heavy Metals on Acute and Chronic Toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia (Cladocera) J. Crustacean Biology. 1990 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Crassostrea gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 10.42 μg/L [Total + labile Cu] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2006 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia sp. mortality NOEC 7 days 122 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Spehar, R.L. & Fiandt, J.T. Acute and Chronic Effects of Water Quality Criteria Based Metal Mixtures on Three Aquatic Species Environmental Research Laboratory, USEPA. Report No. EPA/600/3-85/074 1985 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia sp. reproduction NOEC 7 days 6.3 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Belanger, S.E. et al. Effects of Diet, Water Hardness and Population Source on Acute and Chronic Copper Toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 1989 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Crassostrea gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 12.83 μg/L [Total + labile Cu] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2006 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia sp. mortality NOEC 7 days 4 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Jop, K.M. et al. Development of a Water-Effect Ratio for Copper, Cadmium and Lead for the Great Works River in Maine Using Ceriodaphnia dubia and Salvelinus fontinalis Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 1995 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Mytilus edulis Embryo development NOEC 48 hours 6.2 μg/L [Total dissolved + labile Cu] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2006 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia sp. reproduction NOEC 7 days 4 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Jop, K.M. et al. Development of a Water-Effect Ratio for Copper, Cadmium and Lead for the Great Works River in Maine Using Ceriodaphnia dubia and Salvelinus fontinalis Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 1995 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Crassostrea gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 10.89 μg/L [Total + labile Cu] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2006 2018/03/20
甲殻類 Dendraster excentricus embryo development EC50 48 hours >75.8 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Arnold W. Ray; J.S. Cotsifas, R.S. Ogle, S.G.S. De Palma, D.S. Smith A comparison of the copper sensitivity of six invertebrate species in ambient salt water of varying dissolved organic matter concentrations. Env. Tox. and Chem 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Neanthes arenaceodentata growth NOEC 28 days 13.5 μg/L × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Pesch C. E., Schauer, P.S., Balboni, M.A. Effect of diet on copper toxicity to Neanthes arenaceodentata NTIS PB 87-167128. In: T.M. Poston and R. Purdy (eds.). ASTM Special Technical Publication N°921: Aquatic Toxicology and Environmental Fate, Vol. 9. A Symposium Amer. Soc. Test. Mater. Philadelphia, PA, USA, 530 p. 1986 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryo development EC50 72 hours 24.3 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Arnold W. Ray; J.S. Cotsifas, R.S. Ogle, S.G.S. De Palma, D.S. Smith A comparison of the copper sensitivity of six invertebrate species in ambient salt water of varying dissolved organic matter concentrations. Env. Tox. and Chem 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia sp. Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 30 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 1985 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia sp. Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 20 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 1985 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 106 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2001 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 68.8 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2001 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 71.4 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2001 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 21.5 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2001 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna reproduction NOEC 21 days 28 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2001 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia sp. Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 20 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 1985 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Neanthes arenaceodentata growth NOEC 28 days 12.1 μg/L × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Pesch C. E., Schauer, P.S., Balboni, M.A. Effect of diet on copper toxicity to Neanthes arenaceodentata NTIS PB 87-167128. In: T.M. Poston and R. Purdy (eds.). ASTM Special Technical Publication N°921: Aquatic Toxicology and Environmental Fate, Vol. 9. A Symposium Amer. Soc. Test. Mater. Philadelphia, PA, USA, 530 p. 1986 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia sp. Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 40 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 1985 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality NOEC 7 days 20 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Cerda, B and Olive, J.H. Effects of Diet on Seven-Day Ceriodaphnia dubia Toxicity Tests Ohio J. Sci 1993 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Ceriodaphnia dubia reproduction NOEC 7 days 10 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Cerda, B and Olive, J.H. Effects of Diet on Seven-Day Ceriodaphnia dubia Toxicity Tests Ohio J. Sci 1993 2018/02/17
甲殻類 Crassostrea gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 47.13 μg/L [Total + labile Cu] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2006 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Crassostrea gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 28.19 μg/L [Total + labile Cu] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2006 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Tisbe battagliai mortality NOEC 21 days 18 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 study report 2006 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Tisbe battagliai reproduction NOEC 21 days 18 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 study report 2006 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Tisbe battagliai development NOEC 21 days 18 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 study report 2006 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia sp. Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 4 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 1985 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Chironomus riparius growth NOEC 10 days 16.9 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Taylor, E.J. et al. Evaluation of a Chronic Toxicity Test Using Growth of the Insect Chironomus riparius Meigen In. Bioindicators and Environmental Management. Eds Jeffrey, D.W. & Madden. Academic Press 1991 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Crassostrea virginica embryo development EC50 48 hours 30.7 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Arnold W. Ray; J.S. Cotsifas, R.S. Ogle, S.G.S. De Palma, D.S. Smith A comparison of the copper sensitivity of six invertebrate species in ambient salt water of varying dissolved organic matter concentrations. Env. Tox. and Chem 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryo development EC50 72 hours 46.4 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Arnold W. Ray; J.S. Cotsifas, R.S. Ogle, S.G.S. De Palma, D.S. Smith A comparison of the copper sensitivity of six invertebrate species in ambient salt water of varying dissolved organic matter concentrations. Env. Tox. and Chem 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryo development EC50 72 hours 30.2 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Arnold W. Ray; J.S. Cotsifas, R.S. Ogle, S.G.S. De Palma, D.S. Smith A comparison of the copper sensitivity of six invertebrate species in ambient salt water of varying dissolved organic matter concentrations. Env. Tox. and Chem 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryo development EC50 72 hours 14.8 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Arnold W. Ray; J.S. Cotsifas, R.S. Ogle, S.G.S. De Palma, D.S. Smith A comparison of the copper sensitivity of six invertebrate species in ambient salt water of varying dissolved organic matter concentrations. Env. Tox. and Chem 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Dendraster excentricus embryo development EC50 48 hours 46.2 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Arnold W. Ray; J.S. Cotsifas, R.S. Ogle, S.G.S. De Palma, D.S. Smith A comparison of the copper sensitivity of six invertebrate species in ambient salt water of varying dissolved organic matter concentrations. Env. Tox. and Chem 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Dendraster excentricus embryo development EC50 48 hours 36.4 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Arnold W. Ray; J.S. Cotsifas, R.S. Ogle, S.G.S. De Palma, D.S. Smith A comparison of the copper sensitivity of six invertebrate species in ambient salt water of varying dissolved organic matter concentrations. Env. Tox. and Chem 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia sp. Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 5 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 1985 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Crassostrea virginica embryo development EC50 48 hours 40.7 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Arnold W. Ray; J.S. Cotsifas, R.S. Ogle, S.G.S. De Palma, D.S. Smith A comparison of the copper sensitivity of six invertebrate species in ambient salt water of varying dissolved organic matter concentrations. Env. Tox. and Chem 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Crassostrea virginica embryo development EC50 48 hours 22.4 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Arnold W. Ray; J.S. Cotsifas, R.S. Ogle, S.G.S. De Palma, D.S. Smith A comparison of the copper sensitivity of six invertebrate species in ambient salt water of varying dissolved organic matter concentrations. Env. Tox. and Chem 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Crassostrea virginica embryo development EC50 48 hours 11.2 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Arnold W. Ray; J.S. Cotsifas, R.S. Ogle, S.G.S. De Palma, D.S. Smith A comparison of the copper sensitivity of six invertebrate species in ambient salt water of varying dissolved organic matter concentrations. Env. Tox. and Chem 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Mytilus edulis larval development EC50 48 hours 21.6~25.2 × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Arnold W. Ray, J. S. Cotsifas, D. S. Smith, S. Le Page and K.M. Gruenthal A comparison of the copper sensitivity of two economically important saltwater mussel species and a review of previously reported copper toxicity data for mussels: important implications for determining future ambient copper saltwater criteria for the USA published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com) 2008 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Mytilus edulis larval development EC50 48 hours 14~17.5 × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Arnold W. Ray, J. S. Cotsifas, D. S. Smith, S. Le Page and K.M. Gruenthal A comparison of the copper sensitivity of two economically important saltwater mussel species and a review of previously reported copper toxicity data for mussels: important implications for determining future ambient copper saltwater criteria for the USA published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com) 2008 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Mytilus edulis larval development EC50 48 hours 8.03~9.9 × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Arnold W. Ray, J. S. Cotsifas, D. S. Smith, S. Le Page and K.M. Gruenthal A comparison of the copper sensitivity of two economically important saltwater mussel species and a review of previously reported copper toxicity data for mussels: important implications for determining future ambient copper saltwater criteria for the USA published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com) 2008 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Mytilus edulis larval development EC50 48 hours 3.52~4.66 × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Arnold W. Ray, J. S. Cotsifas, D. S. Smith, S. Le Page and K.M. Gruenthal A comparison of the copper sensitivity of two economically important saltwater mussel species and a review of previously reported copper toxicity data for mussels: important implications for determining future ambient copper saltwater criteria for the USA published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com) 2008 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia sp. Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 20 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 1985 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia sp. Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 15 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 1985 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia sp. Daphnia pulex mortality NOEC 42 days 10 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Winner, R.W. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper as affected by interactions between humic acid and water hardness Water Research 1985 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Dendraster excentricus embryo development EC50 48 hours 18.9 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Arnold W. Ray; J.S. Cotsifas, R.S. Ogle, S.G.S. De Palma, D.S. Smith A comparison of the copper sensitivity of six invertebrate species in ambient salt water of varying dissolved organic matter concentrations. Env. Tox. and Chem 2010 2018/03/09
甲殻類 Daphnia magna NOEL 48 hours 13 ppm 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. Sylvester 1997 2018/02/28
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss Growth (Specific growth rate) NOEC 4 weeks 411.9 μg/g 16 ECOTOX Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2022/01/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio Growth (Weight gain) NOEC 30 days 12.8 μg/L 0 ug/L / 12.80 ug/L 16 ECOTOX Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2022/01/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio Growth (Length) NOEC 30 days 12.8 μg/L 0 ug/L / 12.80 ug/L 16 ECOTOX Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2022/01/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio Growth (Weight gain) LOEC 30 days 14.65 μg/L 0 ug/L / 14.65 ug/L 16 ECOTOX Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2022/01/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio Growth (Length) LOEC 30 days 14.65 μg/L 0 ug/L / 14.65 ug/L 16 ECOTOX Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2022/01/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme(s) (Cholinesterase) LOEC 10 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 20 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 15 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 1 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Hediste diversicolor Feeding behavior (Food consumption) NOEC 7 days 0.01 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Buffet,P.E., O.F. Tankoua, J.F. Pan, D. Berhanu, C. Herrenknecht, L. Poirier, C. Amiard-Triquet, J.C. Amiard, J.B. Bera Behavioural and Biochemical Responses of Two Marine Invertebrates Scrobicularia plana and Hediste diversicolor to Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Chemosphere84(1): 166-174 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Hediste diversicolor Behavior (Burrowing behavior, burrowing length) NOEC 4 days 0.01 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Buffet,P.E., O.F. Tankoua, J.F. Pan, D. Berhanu, C. Herrenknecht, L. Poirier, C. Amiard-Triquet, J.C. Amiard, J.B. Bera Behavioural and Biochemical Responses of Two Marine Invertebrates Scrobicularia plana and Hediste diversicolor to Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Chemosphere84(1): 166-174 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 5 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 25 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 15 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Glutathione peroxidase) LOEC 7 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 5 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 10 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 30 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 5 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 1 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 25 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 1 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Catalase) LOEC 3 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme activity) LOEC 3 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth (Length) LOEC 30 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 14 days 0.2266 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 7 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Hediste diversicolor Enzyme(s) (Glutathione S-transferase) LOEL 7 days 0.01 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Buffet,P.E., O.F. Tankoua, J.F. Pan, D. Berhanu, C. Herrenknecht, L. Poirier, C. Amiard-Triquet, J.C. Amiard, J.B. Bera Behavioural and Biochemical Responses of Two Marine Invertebrates Scrobicularia plana and Hediste diversicolor to Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Chemosphere84(1): 166-174 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Physiology (Lipid peroxidation) LOEC 15 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Biochemistry (Metallothionein) LOEC 7 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 10 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme(s) (Cholinesterase) LOEC 10 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 30 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 25 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Mortality LOEL 14 days 0.3484 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Basommatophora Mortality 8 days 50 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Howard,T.E., H.N. Halvorson, and C.C. Walden Toxicity of Copper Compounds to the Snail Vector Hosts of the Agent of Schistosoma Dermatitis, in Waters of Differing Hardness Am. J. Hyg.80:33-44 1964 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Basommatophora Mortality 8 days 10 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Howard,T.E., H.N. Halvorson, and C.C. Walden Toxicity of Copper Compounds to the Snail Vector Hosts of the Agent of Schistosoma Dermatitis, in Waters of Differing Hardness Am. J. Hyg.80:33-44 1964 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Basommatophora Mortality 3 days 10 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Howard,T.E., H.N. Halvorson, and C.C. Walden Toxicity of Copper Compounds to the Snail Vector Hosts of the Agent of Schistosoma Dermatitis, in Waters of Differing Hardness Am. J. Hyg.80:33-44 1964 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 14 days 0.2332 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 14 days 0.2266 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 30 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 14 days 0.2266 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Hediste diversicolor Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 7 days 0.01 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Buffet,P.E., O.F. Tankoua, J.F. Pan, D. Berhanu, C. Herrenknecht, L. Poirier, C. Amiard-Triquet, J.C. Amiard, J.B. Bera Behavioural and Biochemical Responses of Two Marine Invertebrates Scrobicularia plana and Hediste diversicolor to Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Chemosphere84(1): 166-174 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Mortality 14 days 0.2332 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Mortality 14 days 0.02092 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Mortality 14 days 0.15336 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 14 days 0.2266 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 14 days 0.15336 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 14 days 0.02092 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 25 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Mortality 15 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 20 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Hediste diversicolor Enzyme(s) (Catalase) LOEC 7 days 0.01 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Buffet,P.E., O.F. Tankoua, J.F. Pan, D. Berhanu, C. Herrenknecht, L. Poirier, C. Amiard-Triquet, J.C. Amiard, J.B. Bera Behavioural and Biochemical Responses of Two Marine Invertebrates Scrobicularia plana and Hediste diversicolor to Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Chemosphere84(1): 166-174 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 14 days 0.3484 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 14 days 0.3484 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 14 days 0.3484 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 14 days 0.3484 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 14 days 0.2266 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 14 days 0.3484 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 14 days 0.2266 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 14 days 0.3484 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Potamopyrgus antipodarum Mortality LOEL 14 days 0.2266 mg/L [Labile] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Pang,C., H. Selck, G.T. Banta, S.K. Misra, D. Berhanu, A. Dybowska, E. Valsami-Jones, and V.E. Forbes Bioaccumulation, Toxicokinetics, and Effects of Copper from Sediment Spiked with Aqueous Cu, Nano-CuO, or Micro-CuO in the Deposit-Feeding Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Environ. Toxicol. Chem.32(7): 1561-1573 2013 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme(s) (Cholinesterase) LOEC 1 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 1 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 1 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme(s) (Cholinesterase) LOEC 3 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 20 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 5 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 15 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 1 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 15 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 10 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 10 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 15 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 25 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 15 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 20 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 15 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 30 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 others Morone saxatilis Mortality LC50 2 days 0.85 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) O'Rear,C.W.J. The Toxicity of Zinc and Copper to Striped Bass Eggs and Fry with Methods for Providing Confidence Limits Proc. Southeast. Assoc. Game Fish Comm.26:484-489 1972 2019/02/13
魚類 others Morone saxatilis Mortality LC50 2 days 0.74 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) O'Rear,C.W.J. The Toxicity of Zinc and Copper to Striped Bass Eggs and Fry with Methods for Providing Confidence Limits Proc. Southeast. Assoc. Game Fish Comm.26:484-489 1972 2019/02/13
魚類 others Morone saxatilis Mortality LC50 2 days 0.31 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) O'Rear,C.W.J. The Toxicity of Zinc and Copper to Striped Bass Eggs and Fry with Methods for Providing Confidence Limits Proc. Southeast. Assoc. Game Fish Comm.26:484-489 1972 2019/02/13
魚類 others Morone saxatilis Mortality LC50 2 days 0.42 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) O'Rear,C.W.J. The Toxicity of Zinc and Copper to Striped Bass Eggs and Fry with Methods for Providing Confidence Limits Proc. Southeast. Assoc. Game Fish Comm.26:484-489 1972 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 30 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 15 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 10 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 5 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 1 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 1 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 20 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 30 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 25 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 30 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 15 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 20 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 30 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 25 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 20 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 10 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 1 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 10 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 15 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth (Weight gain) LOEC 30 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 20 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 15 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 15 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 5 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 25 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 1 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme(s) (Cholinesterase) LOEC 5 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 5 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 10 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 10 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 25 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 20 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 5 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Xenopus laevis Mortality LOEC 3.79 days 500 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Bacchetta,R., N. Santo, U. Fascio, E. Moschini, S. Freddi, G. Chirico, M. Camatini, and P. Mantecca Nano-Sized CuO, TiO2 and ZnO Affect Xenopus laevis Development Nanotoxicology6(1-4): 381-398 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 30 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Xenopus laevis Growth (Length) NOEC 4 days 100 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nations,S., M. Wages, J.E. Canas, J. Maul, C. Theodorakis, and G.P. Cobb Acute Effects of Fe2O3, TiO2, ZnO and CuO Nanomaterials on Xenopus laevis Chemosphere83(8): 1053-1061 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Xenopus laevis Development (Stage) NOEC 4 days 1000 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nations,S., M. Wages, J.E. Canas, J. Maul, C. Theodorakis, and G.P. Cobb Acute Effects of Fe2O3, TiO2, ZnO and CuO Nanomaterials on Xenopus laevis Chemosphere83(8): 1053-1061 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Xenopus laevis Mortality NOEC 3.79 days 100 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Bacchetta,R., N. Santo, U. Fascio, E. Moschini, S. Freddi, G. Chirico, M. Camatini, and P. Mantecca Nano-Sized CuO, TiO2 and ZnO Affect Xenopus laevis Development Nanotoxicology6(1-4): 381-398 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Xenopus laevis Growth (Length) NOEC 3.79 days 100 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Bacchetta,R., N. Santo, U. Fascio, E. Moschini, S. Freddi, G. Chirico, M. Camatini, and P. Mantecca Nano-Sized CuO, TiO2 and ZnO Affect Xenopus laevis Development Nanotoxicology6(1-4): 381-398 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Xenopus laevis Growth (Length) NOEC 4 days 1 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nations,S., M. Wages, J.E. Canas, J. Maul, C. Theodorakis, and G.P. Cobb Acute Effects of Fe2O3, TiO2, ZnO and CuO Nanomaterials on Xenopus laevis Chemosphere83(8): 1053-1061 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Xenopus laevis Growth (Length) LOEC 3.79 days 100 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Bacchetta,R., N. Santo, U. Fascio, E. Moschini, S. Freddi, G. Chirico, M. Camatini, and P. Mantecca Nano-Sized CuO, TiO2 and ZnO Affect Xenopus laevis Development Nanotoxicology6(1-4): 381-398 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 15 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Xenopus laevis Development (Abnormal) LOEC 3.79 days 10 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Bacchetta,R., N. Santo, U. Fascio, E. Moschini, S. Freddi, G. Chirico, M. Camatini, and P. Mantecca Nano-Sized CuO, TiO2 and ZnO Affect Xenopus laevis Development Nanotoxicology6(1-4): 381-398 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 25 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Xenopus laevis Growth (Length) LOEC 4 days 1000 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nations,S., M. Wages, J.E. Canas, J. Maul, C. Theodorakis, and G.P. Cobb Acute Effects of Fe2O3, TiO2, ZnO and CuO Nanomaterials on Xenopus laevis Chemosphere83(8): 1053-1061 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Xenopus laevis Growth (Length) LOEC 4 days 10 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nations,S., M. Wages, J.E. Canas, J. Maul, C. Theodorakis, and G.P. Cobb Acute Effects of Fe2O3, TiO2, ZnO and CuO Nanomaterials on Xenopus laevis Chemosphere83(8): 1053-1061 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Xenopus laevis Development (Deformation) EC50 4 days >1000 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nations,S., M. Wages, J.E. Canas, J. Maul, C. Theodorakis, and G.P. Cobb Acute Effects of Fe2O3, TiO2, ZnO and CuO Nanomaterials on Xenopus laevis Chemosphere83(8): 1053-1061 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Xenopus laevis Development (Deformation) EC10 4 days 2.1 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nations,S., M. Wages, J.E. Canas, J. Maul, C. Theodorakis, and G.P. Cobb Acute Effects of Fe2O3, TiO2, ZnO and CuO Nanomaterials on Xenopus laevis Chemosphere83(8): 1053-1061 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 10 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 25 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 15 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 10 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Enzyme(s) (Catalase) LOEC 14 days 0.00443 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 30 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Enzyme(s) (Glutathione peroxidase) NOEC 14 days 0.00443 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Enzyme(s) (Catalase) NOEC 21 days 0.00443 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 7 days 0.00443 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Enzyme(s) (Carbonic anhydrase) LOEC 21 days 0.00443 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Enzyme(s) (Carbonic anhydrase) LOEC 14 days 0.00443 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 21 days 0.00443 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Enzyme(s) (Glutathione peroxidase) LOEC 7 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Enzyme(s) (Glutathione reductase) LOEC 14 days 0.00443 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Enzyme(s) (Glutathione peroxidase) LOEC 14 days 0.0143 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Enzyme(s) (Catalase) LOEC 21 days 0.0143 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Enzyme(s) (Glutathione reductase) LOEC 21 days 0.0396 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.00443 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 5 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 7 days 0.0143 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 14 days 0.00443 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Tetrahymena thermophila Population (Abundance) EC50 0.16 days 1829 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Mortimer,M., K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of ZnO and CuO Nanoparticles to Ciliated Protozoa Tetrahymena thermophila Toxicology269(2/3): 182-189 2010 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Tetrahymena thermophila Population (Abundance) EC50 1 days 2314 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Mortimer,M., K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of ZnO and CuO Nanoparticles to Ciliated Protozoa Tetrahymena thermophila Toxicology269(2/3): 182-189 2010 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Tetrahymena thermophila Mortality EC50 1 days 1966 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Mortimer,M., K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of ZnO and CuO Nanoparticles to Ciliated Protozoa Tetrahymena thermophila Toxicology269(2/3): 182-189 2010 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Tetrahymena thermophila Mortality EC50 1 days 97.9 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Mortimer,M., K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of ZnO and CuO Nanoparticles to Ciliated Protozoa Tetrahymena thermophila Toxicology269(2/3): 182-189 2010 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Tetrahymena thermophila Population (Abundance) EC50 0.16 days 129 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Mortimer,M., K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of ZnO and CuO Nanoparticles to Ciliated Protozoa Tetrahymena thermophila Toxicology269(2/3): 182-189 2010 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Tetrahymena thermophila Population (Abundance) EC50 1 days 101 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Mortimer,M., K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of ZnO and CuO Nanoparticles to Ciliated Protozoa Tetrahymena thermophila Toxicology269(2/3): 182-189 2010 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Tetrahymena thermophila Mortality EC50 0.16 days 127 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Mortimer,M., K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of ZnO and CuO Nanoparticles to Ciliated Protozoa Tetrahymena thermophila Toxicology269(2/3): 182-189 2010 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Tetrahymena thermophila Mortality EC50 0.16 days 1580 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Mortimer,M., K. Kasemets, and A. Kahru Toxicity of ZnO and CuO Nanoparticles to Ciliated Protozoa Tetrahymena thermophila Toxicology269(2/3): 182-189 2010 2019/02/13
魚類 others Gambusia affinis Mortality LC50 4 days >56000 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Wallen,I.E., W.C. Greer, and R. Lasater Toxicity to Gambusia affinis of Certain Pure Chemicals in Turbid Waters Sewage Ind. Wastes29(6): 695-711 1957 2019/02/13
魚類 others Gambusia affinis Mortality LC50 2 days >56000 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Wallen,I.E., W.C. Greer, and R. Lasater Toxicity to Gambusia affinis of Certain Pure Chemicals in Turbid Waters Sewage Ind. Wastes29(6): 695-711 1957 2019/02/13
魚類 others Gambusia affinis Mortality LC50 1 days >56000 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Wallen,I.E., W.C. Greer, and R. Lasater Toxicity to Gambusia affinis of Certain Pure Chemicals in Turbid Waters Sewage Ind. Wastes29(6): 695-711 1957 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Enzyme(s) (Glutathione peroxidase) LOEC 21 days 0.0143 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Enzyme(s) (Glutathione reductase) NOEC 21 days 0.0143 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Brachionus calyciflorus Mortality LC50 1 days 0.39 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 10 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 5 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 28 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 25 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 20 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 10 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 20 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Brachionus calyciflorus Mortality LC50 1 days 0.24 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Manusadzianas,L., C. Caillet, L. Fachetti, B. Gylyte, R. Grigutyte, S. Jurkoniene, R. Karitonas, K. Sadauskas, F. Thoma Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions to Aquatic Biota Environ. Toxicol. Chem.31(1): 108-114 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 15 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Aiptasia pallida Enzyme(s) (Glutathione peroxidase) NOEC 21 days 0.00443 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Siddiqui,S., R.H. Goddard, and G.K. Bielmyer-Fraser Comparative Effects of Dissolved Copper and Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure to the Sea Anemone, Exaiptasia pallida Aquat. Toxicol.160:205-213 2015 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 20 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 5 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 25 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 30 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 25 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 1 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 17.5 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme(s) (Cholinesterase) NOEC 25 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme(s) (Cholinesterase) NOEC 15 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 1 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme(s) (Cholinesterase) NOEC 25 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme(s) (Cholinesterase) NOEC 30 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme(s) (Cholinesterase) NOEC 20 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme(s) (Cholinesterase) NOEC 15 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme(s) (Cholinesterase) NOEC 20 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth (Weight gain) NOEC 30 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth (Length) NOEC 30 days 0.0128 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 30 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 5 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 6 days 292.8 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 10 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 30 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 1 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 20 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 20 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 5 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme(s) (Cholinesterase) LOEC 3 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme(s) (Cholinesterase) LOEC 5 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 1 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 30 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme(s) (Cholinesterase) LOEC 1 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 17.5 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 5 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 15 days 292.8 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 21 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 28 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 3 days 292.8 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 14 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 21 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 21 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 12 days 292.8 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 10.5 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 9 days 292.8 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 10.5 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 14 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 10.5 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme(s) (Cholinesterase) NOEC 30 days 0.01465 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 12 days 292.8 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 7 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 9 days 292.8 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 5 days 292.8 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 17.5 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 3 days 292.8 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 24.5 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 28 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 24.5 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Growth (Specific growth rate) NOEC 28 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 24.5 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 15 days 292.8 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 15 days 292.8 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 14 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Growth (Specific growth rate) NOEC 15 days 292.8 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 7 days 411.9 その他others [mg/kg food, Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Physiology (Lipid peroxidation) NOEC 3 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Acetylcholinesterase) NOEC 3 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Acetylcholinesterase) NOEC 7 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Glutathione peroxidase) NOEC 3 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Biochemistry (Metallothionein) NOEC 3 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme activity) NOEC 3 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Glutathione peroxidase) NOEC 3 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Physiology (Lipid peroxidation) NOEC 3 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Scrobicularia plana Biochemistry (Metallothionein) NOEC 16 days 0.01 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Buffet,P.E., O.F. Tankoua, J.F. Pan, D. Berhanu, C. Herrenknecht, L. Poirier, C. Amiard-Triquet, J.C. Amiard, J.B. Bera Behavioural and Biochemical Responses of Two Marine Invertebrates Scrobicularia plana and Hediste diversicolor to Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Chemosphere84(1): 166-174 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Catalase) NOEC 15 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 7 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Catalase) NOEC 3 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Glutathione peroxidase) LOEC 15 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Glutathione peroxidase) LOEC 7 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Biochemistry (Metallothionein) LOEC 15 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Physiology (Lipid peroxidation) LOEC 15 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme activity) LOEC 15 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Physiology (Lipid peroxidation) LOEC 7 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme activity) LOEC 7 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Scrobicularia plana Feeding behavior (Food consumption) LOEC 11 days 0.01 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Buffet,P.E., O.F. Tankoua, J.F. Pan, D. Berhanu, C. Herrenknecht, L. Poirier, C. Amiard-Triquet, J.C. Amiard, J.B. Bera Behavioural and Biochemical Responses of Two Marine Invertebrates Scrobicularia plana and Hediste diversicolor to Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Chemosphere84(1): 166-174 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Scrobicularia plana Enzyme(s) (Catalase) LOEC 16 days 0.01 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Buffet,P.E., O.F. Tankoua, J.F. Pan, D. Berhanu, C. Herrenknecht, L. Poirier, C. Amiard-Triquet, J.C. Amiard, J.B. Bera Behavioural and Biochemical Responses of Two Marine Invertebrates Scrobicularia plana and Hediste diversicolor to Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Chemosphere84(1): 166-174 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Scrobicularia plana Behavior (Burrowing behavior, burrowing length) LOEC 4 days 0.01 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Buffet,P.E., O.F. Tankoua, J.F. Pan, D. Berhanu, C. Herrenknecht, L. Poirier, C. Amiard-Triquet, J.C. Amiard, J.B. Bera Behavioural and Biochemical Responses of Two Marine Invertebrates Scrobicularia plana and Hediste diversicolor to Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Chemosphere84(1): 166-174 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Scrobicularia plana Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 16 days 0.01 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Buffet,P.E., O.F. Tankoua, J.F. Pan, D. Berhanu, C. Herrenknecht, L. Poirier, C. Amiard-Triquet, J.C. Amiard, J.B. Bera Behavioural and Biochemical Responses of Two Marine Invertebrates Scrobicularia plana and Hediste diversicolor to Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Chemosphere84(1): 166-174 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Scrobicularia plana Enzyme(s) (Glutathione S-transferase) LOEC 16 days 0.01 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Buffet,P.E., O.F. Tankoua, J.F. Pan, D. Berhanu, C. Herrenknecht, L. Poirier, C. Amiard-Triquet, J.C. Amiard, J.B. Bera Behavioural and Biochemical Responses of Two Marine Invertebrates Scrobicularia plana and Hediste diversicolor to Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Chemosphere84(1): 166-174 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Scrobicularia plana Enzyme(s) (Superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme activity) LOEC 16 days 0.01 mg/L [Dissolved] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Buffet,P.E., O.F. Tankoua, J.F. Pan, D. Berhanu, C. Herrenknecht, L. Poirier, C. Amiard-Triquet, J.C. Amiard, J.B. Bera Behavioural and Biochemical Responses of Two Marine Invertebrates Scrobicularia plana and Hediste diversicolor to Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Chemosphere84(1): 166-174 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme activity) LOEC 15 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) NOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 3 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Glutathione peroxidase) LOEC 15 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Physiology (Lipid peroxidation) LOEC 7 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Biochemistry (Metallothionein) LOEC 15 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Catalase) LOEC 15 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Biochemistry (Metallothionein) LOEC 3 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme activity) LOEC 7 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 15 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Catalase) LOEC 7 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Catalase) LOEC 7 days 0.01 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, and M.J. Bebianno Accumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in the Digestive Gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis Aquat. Toxicol.118/119:72-79 2012 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Enzyme(s) (Acetylcholinesterase) LOEC 15 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 6 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 12 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 18 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Anodonta anatina Accumulation (Residue) LOEC 24 days mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Nugroho,A.P., and H. Frank Uptake, Distribution, and Bioaccumulation of Copper in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta anatina Toxicol. Environ. Chem.93(9): 1838-1850 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mytilus galloprovincialis Biochemistry (Metallothionein) LOEC 7 days 0.0048 mg/L [Total] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gomes,T., J.P. Pinheiro, I. Cancio, C.G. Pereira, C. Cardoso, and M.J. Bebianno Effects of Copper Nanoparticles Exposure in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Environ. Sci. Technol.45(21): 9356-9362 2011 2019/02/13
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 12 days 292.8 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 21 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 14 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 24.5 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 24.5 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 7 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 3 days 292.8 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 12 days 292.8 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 15 days 292.8 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 11 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Growth NOEC 15 days 292.8 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 6 days 292.8 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 9 days 292.8 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 28 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 11 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 21 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 28 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 24.5 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 5 days 292.8 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 15 days 292.8 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 9 days 292.8 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 28 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 15 days 292.8 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 21 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Growth NOEC 28 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 17.5 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 14 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 17.5 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 14 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 17.5 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 11 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 3 days 292.8 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation NOEC 7 days 411.9 ppm [TOTAL] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2018/03/15
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme NOEC 30 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth NOEC 30 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme NOEC 15 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme NOEC 30 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme NOEC 20 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme NOEC 25 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation NOEC 1 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme NOEC 15 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme NOEC 25 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 15 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 20 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 30 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth NOEC 30 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 10 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 1 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 30 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 1 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 5 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 25 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 3 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 1 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 10 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 3 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme NOEC 20 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 30 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 20 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 15 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 30 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 10 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 30 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth LOEC 30 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 1 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 1 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 10 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 10 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 5 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme LOEC 3 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 10 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 20 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 25 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 20 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 10 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 1 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 15 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 3 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 3 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 15 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 25 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 5 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 5 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 3 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 20 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme LOEC 1 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 15 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 20 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 15 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme LOEC 1 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 3 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 25 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 10 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 30 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 15 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme LOEC 5 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 30 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 15 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 5 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth LOEC 30 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme LOEC 3 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 25 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 5 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 15 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 15 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 20 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 3 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 25 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 3 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 15 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 5 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 3 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 20 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 25 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme LOEC 10 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 25 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 1 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 15 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 10 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 25 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 3 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 30 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 25 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 20 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 15 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 30 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 3 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 20 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 30 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 5 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme LOEC 5 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 15 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 20 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 10 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 5 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 30 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 20 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 5 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 5 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 25 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 1 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Enzyme LOEC 10 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 5 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 1 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 30 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 30 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 3 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 20 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 25 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 10 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 10 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 30 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 3 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 25 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 5 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 10 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 1 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 20 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 1 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 10 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 5 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 25 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 1 days 12.8 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 3 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Accumulation LOEC 1 days 14.65 μg/L [DISSOLVED] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2018/03/09
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Behavior 10~60 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2016/03/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation 411.9 ppm 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2016/03/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation 7 days 411.9 ppm 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2016/03/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Accumulation 3.5 days 411.9 ppm 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Mortality 4 days 10~<40 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Mortality 4 days 10~60 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Behavior 10~<40 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Zhao,J., Z. Wang, X. Liu, X. Xie, K. Zhang, and B. Xing Distribution of CuO Nanoparticles in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Their Potential Toxicity J. Hazard. Mater.197:304-310 2011 2016/03/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss Growth (Specific growth rate) NOEC 15 days 292.8 μg/g 16 ECOTOX Kjoss,V.A., C.M. Wood, and D.G. McDonald Effects of Different Ligands on the Bioaccumulation and Subsequent Depuration of Dietary Cu and Zn in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.63(2): 412-422 2006 2022/01/25
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) L(E)C50 2837 その他others [μgCu/L] 4 OECD SIDS (HPVC) 2019/03/27
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 468.1 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 1564 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 363.6 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 422.1 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 2034 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 19.1 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 402.4 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 613.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 1959 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 129 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 96.6 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 106.1 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 494.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 59 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 59.9 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 48 hours 13.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of copper exposure on whole-body sodium levels in larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(6):1442-1449 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 62.9 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of copper exposure on whole-body sodium levels in larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(6):1442-1449 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 60.6 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 42.4 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Marr, J.C.A. et al. Relationship between copper exposure duration, tissue copper concentration and rainbow trout growth Aquatic Toxicol. 36, 17-30 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 59 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Seim, W.K. et al. Growth and survival of developing steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) continuously or intermittently exposure to copper Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 41, 433-438 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 59.9 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Waiwood, K.G. & Beamish, F.W.H. Effects of copper, pH and hardness the critical swimming performance of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Richardson) Journal of Fish Biology 12, 611-619 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 1514 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 671.2 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 1405 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 499.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 56.6 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 1390 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 473 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CR Using the biotic ligand model for predicting the acute sensitivity of cladoceran dominated communities to copper in natural surface waters Environmental Science and Technology 38:5030-5037 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 769 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CR Using the biotic ligand model for predicting the acute sensitivity of cladoceran dominated communities to copper in natural surface waters Environmental Science and Technology 38:5030-5037 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality NOEC 96 hours 12.2 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours >13 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality NOEC 96 hours 13 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 31.7 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 337.6 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 230 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 470 μg/L [nominal element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio mortality LC50 96 hours 820 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 315 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 22 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Heijerick DG, Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Indeherberg M, Mingazzini M, Janssen CR Effect of varying physicochemistry of European surface waters on the copper toxicity to the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology, 14:661-670 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 17.4 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 40 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Heijerick DG, Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Indeherberg M, Mingazzini M, Janssen CR Effect of varying physicochemistry of European surface waters on the copper toxicity to the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology, 14:661-670 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 197 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 544 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 1870 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 262 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Kramer KJM, Jak RG, Van Hattum B, Hooftman RN, Zwolsman JJG Copper toxicity in relation to surface water-dissolved organic matter: biological effects to Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(12):2971-2980 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 684 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CR Using the biotic ligand model for predicting the acute sensitivity of cladoceran dominated communities to copper in natural surface waters Environmental Science and Technology 38:5030-5037 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 250 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CR Using the biotic ligand model for predicting the acute sensitivity of cladoceran dominated communities to copper in natural surface waters Environmental Science and Technology 38:5030-5037 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 906 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CR Using the biotic ligand model for predicting the acute sensitivity of cladoceran dominated communities to copper in natural surface waters Environmental Science and Technology 38:5030-5037 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 300 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Janssen CR Using the biotic ligand model for predicting the acute sensitivity of cladoceran dominated communities to copper in natural surface waters Environmental Science and Technology 38:5030-5037 2021/10/25
魚類 Danio rerio (previous name: Brachydanio rerio) mortality LC50 96 hours 212.1 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Alsop D, Wood CM Metal uptake and acute toxicity in zebrafish: common mechanisms across multiple metals Aquatic Toxicology 105:385-393 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 24 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Heijerick DG, Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Indeherberg M, Mingazzini M, Janssen CR Effect of varying physicochemistry of European surface waters on the copper toxicity to the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology, 14:661-670 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 395.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 21 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Heijerick DG, Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Indeherberg M, Mingazzini M, Janssen CR Effect of varying physicochemistry of European surface waters on the copper toxicity to the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology, 14:661-670 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 180 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 48 hours 7.5 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of copper exposure on whole-body sodium levels in larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(6):1442-1449 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours >55.1 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 1681 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 56.6 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Waiwood, K.G. & Beamish, F.W.H. The effect of copper, hardness and pH on the growth of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Journal of Fish Biology 13, 591-598 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 383.7 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 2013 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality NOEC 96 hours 29.2 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality NOEC 96 hours 13.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours >24.4 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 48 hours 15.3 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of copper exposure on whole-body sodium levels in larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(6):1442-1449 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 48 hours 24.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of copper exposure on whole-body sodium levels in larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(6):1442-1449 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 259.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 48 hours 12.8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of copper exposure on whole-body sodium levels in larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(6):1442-1449 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 137 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Danio rerio (previous name: Brachydanio rerio) mortality LC50 96 hours 148.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 48 hours 7.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of copper exposure on whole-body sodium levels in larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(6):1442-1449 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 48 hours 10.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 210 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 390 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 360 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 410 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Alsop D, Wood CM Metal uptake and acute toxicity in zebrafish: common mechanisms across multiple metals Aquatic Toxicology 105:385-393 2021/10/25
魚類 Danio rerio (previous name: Brachydanio rerio) mortality LC50 96 hours 148.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Johnson BM, Chao MM, Tedrow OR, McQueen AD, Rodgers JH Jr. Responses of Lepomis macrochirus, Pimephales promelas, Hyalella azteca, Ceriodaphnia dubia, and Daphnia magna to exposures of Algimycin PWF and copper sulfate pentahydrate Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46:176-183 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours >12.2 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Danio rerio (previous name: Brachydanio rerio) mortality LC50 96 hours 212.1 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Nimmo DWR, Johnson RW, Preul MA, Pillsbury RW, Self JR, Bergey EA Determining site-specific toxicity of copper to daphnids and fishes in a brown-water ecosystem Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21(3):481-491 2021/10/25
魚類 Danio rerio (previous name: Brachydanio rerio) mortality LC50 96 hours 11.66 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Nimmo DWR, Johnson RW, Preul MA, Pillsbury RW, Self JR, Bergey EA Determining site-specific toxicity of copper to daphnids and fishes in a brown-water ecosystem Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21(3):481-491 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 48 hours 5.9 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of copper exposure on whole-body sodium levels in larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(6):1442-1449 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 1526 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 726.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 597.7 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 48 hours 21.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of copper exposure on whole-body sodium levels in larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(6):1442-1449 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 48 hours 30.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of copper exposure on whole-body sodium levels in larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(6):1442-1449 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 48 hours 7.8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of copper exposure on whole-body sodium levels in larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(6):1442-1449 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 1949 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Danio rerio (previous name: Brachydanio rerio) mortality LC50 96 hours 11.66 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Alsop D, Wood CM Metal uptake and acute toxicity in zebrafish: common mechanisms across multiple metals Aquatic Toxicology 105:385-393 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 429 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 774.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 62.9 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 102 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Markich SJ, Batley GE, Stauber JL, Rogers NJ, Apte SC, Hyne RV, Bowles KC, Wilde KL, Creighton NM Hardness corrections for copper are inappropriate for protecting sensitive freshwater biota Chemosphere 60:1-8 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 596.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 96 hours 283.6 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ryan AC, Van Genderen EJ, Tomasso JR, Klaine SJ Influence of natural organic matter source on copper toxicity to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for the biotic ligand model Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(6):1567-1574 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 19.1 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ng TYT, Chowdhury J, Wood CM Can the Biotic Ligand Model predict Cu toxicity across a range of pHs in softwater-acclimated rainbow trout? Environmental Science and Technology 44:6263-6268 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality + immobility combined LC50 96 hours 60 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 60.6 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Little EE, Calfee RD, Linder G Toxicity of copper to early-life stage Kootenai river white sturgeon, Columbia river white sturgeon, and rainbow trout Archives of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 63:400-408 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 36.5 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 6.7 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 3 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 8.5 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 3 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 9.2 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 3 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 5.9 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 3 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 19.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 3 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality + immobility combined LC50 96 hours 40.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ng TYT, Chowdhury J, Wood CM Can the Biotic Ligand Model predict Cu toxicity across a range of pHs in softwater-acclimated rainbow trout? Environmental Science and Technology 44:6263-6268 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 30.9 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality + immobility combined LC50 96 hours 50.1 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ng TYT, Chowdhury J, Wood CM Can the Biotic Ligand Model predict Cu toxicity across a range of pHs in softwater-acclimated rainbow trout? Environmental Science and Technology 44:6263-6268 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality + immobility combined LC50 96 hours 63 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality LC50 96 hours 42.4 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Little EE, Calfee RD, Linder G Toxicity of copper to early-life stage Kootenai river white sturgeon, Columbia river white sturgeon, and rainbow trout Archives of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 63:400-408 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 183 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 460 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1977 2018/02/17
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) mortality LC50 96 hours 710 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1954 2018/02/17
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) mortality LC50 96 hours 770 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1954 2018/02/17
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) mortality LC50 96 hours 1000 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1980 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 450 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1995 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 155.7 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 189.1 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 171 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1985 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 490 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1977 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 183 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 645 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 167.3 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 166.7 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 160.3 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 158.1 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 21.5 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1999 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 151 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 12.5 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1999 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 164 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1983 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 298 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 47.4 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 81.1 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 29 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 21 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 152 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 16.5 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1999 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 297 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1995 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 167.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 35 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 28 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 26.7 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 4.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 12.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 42.6 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 311 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1995 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 62.3 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 193 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/09
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 150.3 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 148.7 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 172.8 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 758.1 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 172.6 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 513 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1995 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 197 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1979 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 5.9 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 18.2 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 752.9 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 698 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 996.3 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 905.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 42.1 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 514 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1979 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 183 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 165 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1979 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 168.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 172.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 19.7 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 68.6 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 62.5 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 243 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1979 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 860 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours >200 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1993 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 44 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1993 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 15 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1993 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 96 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1986 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 85.3 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1979 2018/03/10
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 169 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1979 2018/03/10
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 890 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1973 2018/03/09
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 690 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 840 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 79.7 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 730 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 770 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 630 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 980 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 930 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 830 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) mortality LC50 96 hours 800 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1972 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 870 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 23.2 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) mortality LC50 96 hours 810 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1971 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 68 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1993 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 93 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1993 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours >89 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1993 2018/03/12
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 81.6 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 78.9 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 77.5 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 57 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 26.7 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 136.5 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1979 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 21.6 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 20.3 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 17.2 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 12.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 20.5 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 663 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 71.2 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 600 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1976 2018/03/09
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 70.1 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 274 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1979 2018/03/10
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 75 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1969 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 84 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1969 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 167.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 470 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1968 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 10.5 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1999 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 9.5 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1999 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 18 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1998 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 750 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 103 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1979 2018/03/10
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) mortality LC50 96 hours 9150 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 309 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 30 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 18 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 17 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 28 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 221 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1979 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 128 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1979 2018/03/10
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 83.3 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1979 2018/03/10
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 229.9 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/09
魚類 Danio rerio (Zebrafish) mortality LC50 96 hours 35 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1982 2018/03/09
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 410 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1983 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 360 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1983 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 390 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1983 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 210 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1983 2018/02/17
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) mortality LC50 96 hours 1100 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1975 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 38.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/09
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 232 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1985 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 230 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 80 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1984 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 31.9 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 82.2 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 70 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 40 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 22.4 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 28.9 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 253 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1977 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 750 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 256.2 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/09
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 181 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 644.9 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 646.8 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 653.8 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 190.8 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) mortality LC50 96 hours 4300 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 650 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 127.1 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 182.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 405.1 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 176.9 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 175.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 143 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 137.2 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 132.8 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 131.1 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 129.9 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 865 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 271.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 191.7 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 199.8 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 223.7 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 226.8 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 242.6 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 253.5 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 262.3 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 521 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 820 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 496 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 200 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1977 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 283.3 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 289.1 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 289.1 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 292.3 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 370.3 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) mortality LC50 96 hours 4250 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 268.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 111.8 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 84.3 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 600 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 114.6 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours <640 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 123.3 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 122.9 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 117.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 83.9 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 113.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 750 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 110.9 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 103.8 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 101.5 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 99.6 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 97.9 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 96.7 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 94 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 190.6 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 820 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 126.6 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 125.7 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours >830 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 650 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours <=560 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 760 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 125.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 580 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 122.9 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 680 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 210 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1977 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 690 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 190 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1977 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 920 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 940.4 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 645 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 94 μg/L [element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1993 2018/03/12
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 2.8 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1986 2018/03/11
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 516 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1978 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 77 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 810 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 940 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 820 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 1060 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours >800 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 950 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 660 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 750 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 102 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1977 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 363 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1985 2018/03/11
魚類 Danio rerio (Zebrafish) mortality LC50 96 hours 149 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1977 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 970 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 92.9 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 750 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 75.8 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 70.8 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 70.5 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 58.5 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 52.7 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 46.3 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 44.7 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 41.1 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 36.9 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 26.9 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 892.1 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 953 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 112 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1996 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 960 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 4.2 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1986 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 390 μg/L × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1981 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality LC50 96 hours 286 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1983 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 52 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1985 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 427 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1985 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours >449 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1985 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 430 μg/L [element] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 1968 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 1000 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 465 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/03/11
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 820 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 1400 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 830 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 920 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours >810 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 1090 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours >610 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 640 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 780 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours >800 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours >780 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality LC50 96 hours 490 μg/L [dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) LC50 96 hours 25.4 ppm 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. Sylvester 1997 2018/02/20
魚類 Cyprinodon variegatus number hatched NOEC 7 days 109 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 2021/10/25
魚類 Cyprinodon variegatus mortality NOEC 32 days 109 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 2021/10/25
魚類 Cyprinodon variegatus embryo development (length) NOEC 32 days 57.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 2021/10/25
魚類 Cyprinodon variegatus embryo development (weight) NOEC 32 days 57.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) dissolved] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 1 2021/10/25
魚類 aquatic mollusc: Crassostreas gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 10.89 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total + Labile Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Bossuyt B.T. and Janssen C.R. Influence of multi-generation acclimation to copper on tolerance, energy reserves and homeostasis of Daphnia magna Environmental Toxicol Chem., 23(8), 2029-2037 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) wet weight EC10 52 days 47.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growt, mean dry biomass EC10 7 days 10.2 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) dry weight EC10 52 days 45.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) larval fish survival EC10 52 days 28.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) larval fish survival EC10 52 days 54.2 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 aquatic mollusc: Crassostreas gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 28.19 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total + Labile Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 van Leeuwen, C.J. et al. Intermittent Flow System for Population Studies Demonstrated with Daphnia and Copper Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 40, 496-502 2021/10/25
魚類 aquatic mollusc: Crassostreas gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 10.42 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total + Labile Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.A.C. & Janssen, C.R. Effects of chronic dietary copper exposure on growth and reproduction of Daphnia magna Environ Toxicol Chem., 23(8): 2038-2047 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) all other endpoints covered (see EC10 resul NOEC 52 days 59 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) wet weight EC10 52 days 36 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) dry weight EC10 52 days 39.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) length EC10 52 days >48.4 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) length, wet weight NOEC 52 days 28.7 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) wet biomass EC10 52 days 28.2 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality EC10 52 days 34 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality EC10 21 days 41 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) overall survival EC10 52 days 28.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 aquatic mollusc: Crassostreas gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 12.83 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total + Labile Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere, K.A. and Janssen, C.R. Development and field validation of a biotic ligand model predicting chronic copper toxicity to Daphnia magna Environ Toxicol Chem. 2004;23(6):1365-75 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry biomass NOEC 7 days 23.2 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element (dissolved fraction)] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality NOEC 7 days 29.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC10 7 days 22.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 7 days 55.1 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry weight NOEC 7 days 15.7 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry weight EC10 7 days 22 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry weight EC50 7 days 44.6 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry biomass NOEC 7 days 15.7 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry biomass EC10 7 days 19.7 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry biomass EC50 7 days 35.4 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry weight EC50 7 days 15.8 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry weight NOEC 7 days 23.2 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element (dissolved fraction)] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry biomass NOEC 7 days 13.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC10 7 days 18.9 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element (dissolved fraction)] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry weight EC10 7 days 25.5 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element (dissolved fraction)] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry biomass EC10 7 days 21 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element (dissolved fraction)] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry weight EC20 7 days 28.7 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element (dissolved fraction)] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry biomass EC20 7 days 23.9 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element (dissolved fraction)] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 7 days 41 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element (dissolved fraction)] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry weight EC50 7 days 37.4 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element (dissolved fraction)] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry biomass EC50 7 days 31 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element (dissolved fraction)] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) biomass EC10 52 days 30 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality NOEC 7 days 23.2 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element (dissolved fraction)] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality NOEC 7 days 11.9 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 4 days 54.7 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element (dissolved fraction)] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) dry biomass EC10 52 days 38.9 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality NOEC 7 days 8.7 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC10 7 days 10.1 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 7 days >12.8 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry weight NOEC 7 days 8.7 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry weight EC10 7 days 9 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) all endpoints covered (see EC10 results) NOEC 52 days 24.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry biomass NOEC 7 days 8.7 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry biomass EC50 7 days 24.7 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry biomass EC50 7 days 12.8 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growt, mean dry biomass EC10 7 days 15.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC10 7 days >11.9 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry weight and mean dry biomas NOEC 7 days 11.9 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 7 days >11.9 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality NOEC 7 days 13.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC10 7 days 13.8 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality LC50 7 days >24 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry weight NOEC 7 days 13 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry weight EC10 7 days 18.7 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth, mean dry weight EC50 7 days 27.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality NOEC 4 days 22.9 μg/L [meas. (TWA) element (dissolved fraction)] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Van Genderen E, Gensemer R, Smith C, Santore R, Ryan A Evaluation of the Biotic Ligand Model relative to other site-specific criteria derivation methods for copper in surface waters with elevated hardness Aquatic Toxicology 84:279-291 2021/10/25
魚類 aquatic mollusc: Crassostreas gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 19.53 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total + Labile Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 van Leeuwen, C.J. et al. Intermittent Flow System for Population Studies Demonstrated with Daphnia and Copper Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 40, 496-502 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Hyne RV, Pablo F, Julli M, Markich SJ Influence of water chemistry on the acute toxicity of copper and zinc to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia cf dubia Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(7);1667-1675 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mean number of eggs per female NOEC 187 days 25.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Besser JM, Wang N, Dwyer FJ, Mayer FL, Ingersoll CG Assessing contaminant sensitivity of endangered and threatened aquatic species: Part II. Chronic toxicity of copper and pentachlorophenol to two endangered species and two surrogate species Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 48:155-165 2021/10/25
魚類 aquatic mollusc: Crassostreas gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 47.13 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total + Labile Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Heijerick DG, Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Indeherberg M, Mingazzini M, Janssen CR Effect of varying physicochemistry of European surface waters on the copper toxicity to the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology, 14:661-670 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality EC10 30 days 19 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas weight EC10 30 days <4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas biomass EC10 30 days <9.3 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas weight EC10 30 days 10 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality EC10 30 days 19 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas biomass EC10 30 days 15 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mean number of eggs per female NOEC 7 days 22.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Besser JM, Wang N, Dwyer FJ, Mayer FL, Ingersoll CG Assessing contaminant sensitivity of endangered and threatened aquatic species: Part II. Chronic toxicity of copper and pentachlorophenol to two endangered species and two surrogate species Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 48:155-165 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mean number of eggs per female NOEC 97 days 23 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Besser JM, Wang N, Dwyer FJ, Mayer FL, Ingersoll CG Assessing contaminant sensitivity of endangered and threatened aquatic species: Part II. Chronic toxicity of copper and pentachlorophenol to two endangered species and two surrogate species Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 48:155-165 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality NOEC 28 days 61 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) mean total copper] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Besser JM, Wang N, Dwyer FJ, Mayer FL, Ingersoll CG Assessing contaminant sensitivity of endangered and threatened aquatic species: Part II. Chronic toxicity of copper and pentachlorophenol to two endangered species and two surrogate species Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 48:155-165 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality EC10 30 days 17 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) biomass EC10 30 days 3 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 3 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 aquatic mollusc: Crassostreas gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 28.19 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total + Labile Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Heijerick DG, Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Indeherberg M, Mingazzini M, Janssen CR Effect of varying physicochemistry of European surface waters on the copper toxicity to the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology, 14:661-670 2021/10/25
魚類 aquatic mollusc: Crassostreas gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 19.53 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total + Labile Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Heijerick DG, Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Indeherberg M, Mingazzini M, Janssen CR Effect of varying physicochemistry of European surface waters on the copper toxicity to the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology, 14:661-670 2021/10/25
魚類 aquatic mollusc: Crassostreas gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 12.83 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total + Labile Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Heijerick DG, Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Indeherberg M, Mingazzini M, Janssen CR Effect of varying physicochemistry of European surface waters on the copper toxicity to the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology, 14:661-670 2021/10/25
魚類 aquatic mollusc: Crassostreas gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 10.42 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total + Labile Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Heijerick DG, Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Indeherberg M, Mingazzini M, Janssen CR Effect of varying physicochemistry of European surface waters on the copper toxicity to the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology, 14:661-670 2021/10/25
魚類 aquatic mollusc: Crassostreas gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 10.89 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total + Labile Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Stauber JL, Wilde KL, Markich SJ, Brown PL, Franklin NM, Creighton NM, Janssen CR Toward a biotic ligand model for freshwater green algae: surface-bound and internal copper are better predictors of toxicity than free Cu2+ ion activity when pH is varied Environmental Science and Technology 39(7):2067-2072 2021/10/25
魚類 Fundulus heteroclitus 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Besser JM, Wang N, Dwyer FJ, Mayer FL, Ingersoll CG Assessing contaminant sensitivity of endangered and threatened aquatic species: Part II. Chronic toxicity of copper and pentachlorophenol to two endangered species and two surrogate species Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 48:155-165 2021/10/25
魚類 aquatic mollusc: Crassostreas gigas Embryo development NOEC 24 hours 47.13 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total + Labile Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 van Leeuwen, C.J. et al. Intermittent Flow System for Population Studies Demonstrated with Daphnia and Copper Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 40, 496-502 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Hyne RV, Pablo F, Julli M, Markich SJ Influence of water chemistry on the acute toxicity of copper and zinc to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia cf dubia Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(7);1667-1675 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality EC10 30 days 3.8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 3 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) biomass EC10 30 days 3.5 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 3 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas weight EC10 30 days 16 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas mortality EC10 30 days 24 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas biomass EC10 30 days 6.9 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas growth rate NOEC 187 days 69.5 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) Total Cu] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Besser JM, Wang N, Dwyer FJ, Mayer FL, Ingersoll CG Assessing contaminant sensitivity of endangered and threatened aquatic species: Part II. Chronic toxicity of copper and pentachlorophenol to two endangered species and two surrogate species Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 48:155-165 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) biomass EC10 30 days 4.8 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 3 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality EC10 30 days 3.9 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 3 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) biomass EC20 21 days 36 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ng TYT, Chowdhury J, Wood CM Can the Biotic Ligand Model predict Cu toxicity across a range of pHs in softwater-acclimated rainbow trout? Environmental Science and Technology 44:6263-6268 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality EC20 21 days 47 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ng TYT, Chowdhury J, Wood CM Can the Biotic Ligand Model predict Cu toxicity across a range of pHs in softwater-acclimated rainbow trout? Environmental Science and Technology 44:6263-6268 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) weight EC10 30 days 8.4 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) dry weight EC20 28 days 43 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ng TYT, Chowdhury J, Wood CM Can the Biotic Ligand Model predict Cu toxicity across a range of pHs in softwater-acclimated rainbow trout? Environmental Science and Technology 44:6263-6268 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality EC20 52 days 36 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality EC20 21 days 43 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) biomass EC20 52 days 30 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality EC20 28 days 39 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ng TYT, Chowdhury J, Wood CM Can the Biotic Ligand Model predict Cu toxicity across a range of pHs in softwater-acclimated rainbow trout? Environmental Science and Technology 44:6263-6268 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) length EC10 52 days >59 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality EC10 30 days 16.1 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 3 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) biomass EC10 30 days 15 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 3 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality EC10 30 days 7.6 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 3 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) biomass EC10 30 days 6.1 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 3 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality EC10 30 days 4.7 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 3 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) bioùass EC20 52 days 32 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality EC10 30 days 22 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) overall survival EC10 52 days 49.3 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality, biomass NOEC 21 days 29 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) biomass EC10 30 days 16 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) biomass EC10 28 days 25 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) wet biomass EC10 52 days 39.2 μg/L [meas. (arithm. mean) element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) dry weight, biomass NOEC 28 days 13 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Stauber JL, Wilde KL, Markich SJ, Brown PL, Franklin NM, Creighton NM, Janssen CR Toward a biotic ligand model for freshwater green algae: surface-bound and internal copper are better predictors of toxicity than free Cu2+ ion activity when pH is varied Environmental Science and Technology 39(7):2067-2072 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) weight EC10 30 days >22 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality, wet weight NOEC 28 days 27 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 De Schamphelaere KAC, Stauber JL, Wilde KL, Markich SJ, Brown PL, Franklin NM, Creighton NM, Janssen CR Toward a biotic ligand model for freshwater green algae: surface-bound and internal copper are better predictors of toxicity than free Cu2+ ion activity when pH is varied Environmental Science and Technology 39(7):2067-2072 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) biomass EC10 30 days 15 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 study report 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality, biomass NOEC 52 days 28 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 publication 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality EC10 21 days 37 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Heijerick DG, Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Indeherberg M, Mingazzini M, Janssen CR Effect of varying physicochemistry of European surface waters on the copper toxicity to the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology, 14:661-670 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) biomass EC10 21 days 31 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Heijerick DG, Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Indeherberg M, Mingazzini M, Janssen CR Effect of varying physicochemistry of European surface waters on the copper toxicity to the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology, 14:661-670 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) mortality EC10 28 days 34 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Heijerick DG, Bossuyt BTA, De Schamphelaere KAC, Indeherberg M, Mingazzini M, Janssen CR Effect of varying physicochemistry of European surface waters on the copper toxicity to the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Ecotoxicology, 14:661-670 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (previous name: Salmo gairdneri) wet weight EC10 28 days 13 μg/L [meas. element] 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Ng TYT, Chowdhury J, Wood CM Can the Biotic Ligand Model predict Cu toxicity across a range of pHs in softwater-acclimated rainbow trout? Environmental Science and Technology 44:6263-6268 2021/10/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality NOEC 61 days 28 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Mudge, J.E. et al. Effects of Varying Environmental Conditions on the Toxicity of Copper to Salmon Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: 2nd Volume, STP 121, Eds. Gorsuch, J.W. et al. American Society for Testing Materials Materials and methods Test guideline 1993 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality NOEC 61 days 24 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Mudge, J.E. et al. Effects of Varying Environmental Conditions on the Toxicity of Copper to Salmon Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: 2nd Volume, STP 121, Eds. Gorsuch, J.W. et al. American Society for Testing Materials Materials and methods Test guideline 1993 2018/03/09
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) growth rate NOEC 32 days 4.8 μg/L × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Spehar, R.L. & Fiandt, J.T. Acute and Chronic Effects of Water Quality Criteria Based Metal Mixtures on Three Aquatic Species Environmental Research Laboratory, USEPA. Report No. EPA/600/3-85/074 1985 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) growth rate NOEC 78 days 16 μg/L × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Seim, W.K. et al. Growth and survival of developing steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) continuously or intermittently exposure to copper Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci 1984 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) growth rate NOEC 330 days 33 μg/L × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Mount, D.I. Chronic Toxicity of Copper to Fathead Minnows (Pimphales promelas) Water Research 1968 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) mortality NOEC 45 days 11.4 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 McKim J.M., J.G. Eaton and G.W. Holcombe Metal toxicity to embryos and larvae of eight species of freshwater fish - II: copper 0007-4861/78/0019-0608 Springer-Verlag New York Inc. 1978 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) growth rate NOEC 60 days 2.2 μg/L × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Marr, J.C.A. et al. Relationship between copper exposure duration, tissue copper concentration and rainbow trout growth Aquatic Toxicol 1996 2018/02/17
魚類 Fundulus heteroclitus (Mummichog) LC50 96 hours 294 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Grosell, M. et al. Physiology is pivotal for interactions between salinity and acute copper toxicity to fish and invertebrates Aquat Toxicol 2007 2018/03/08
魚類 Fundulus heteroclitus (Mummichog) LC50 96 hours 18 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Grosell, M. et al. Physiology is pivotal for interactions between salinity and acute copper toxicity to fish and invertebrates Aquat Toxicol 2007 2018/03/08
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) number of eggs/spawn NOEC 270 days 66 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Brungs, W.A. et al. Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Copper to the Fathead Minnow in a Surface Water of Variable Quality Water Research 1976 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality NOEC 330 days 33 μg/L × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Mount, D.I. Chronic Toxicity of Copper to Fathead Minnows (Pimphales promelas) Water Research 1968 2018/03/09
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality NOEC 32 days 4.8 μg/L × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Spehar, R.L. & Fiandt, J.T. Acute and Chronic Effects of Water Quality Criteria Based Metal Mixtures on Three Aquatic Species Environmental Research Laboratory, USEPA. Report No. EPA/600/3-85/074 1985 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) growth rate NOEC 327 days 10.6 μg/L × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Mount, D.I. & Stephan, C.E. Chronic Toxicity of Copper to the Fathead Minnow J. Fish Res. Bd. Canada. 1969 2018/02/17
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) mortality NOEC 327 days 10.6 μg/L × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Mount, D.I. & Stephan, C.E. Chronic Toxicity of Copper to the Fathead Minnow J. Fish Res. Bd. Canada. 1969 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) growth rate NOEC 61 days 45 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Mudge, J.E. et al. Effects of Varying Environmental Conditions on the Toxicity of Copper to Salmon Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: 2nd Volume, STP 121, Eds. Gorsuch, J.W. et al. American Society for Testing Materials Materials and methods Test guideline 1993 2018/03/09
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) reproduction NOEC 327 days 10.6 μg/L × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Mount, D.I. & Stephan, C.E. Chronic Toxicity of Copper to the Fathead Minnow J. Fish Res. Bd. Canada. 1969 2018/02/17
魚類 Fundulus heteroclitus (Mummichog) LC50 96 hours >963 μg/L 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Grosell, M. et al. Physiology is pivotal for interactions between salinity and acute copper toxicity to fish and invertebrates Aquat Toxicol 2007 2018/02/17
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) growth rate NOEC 45 days 11.4 μg/L [dissolved] × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 McKim J.M., J.G. Eaton and G.W. Holcombe Metal toxicity to embryos and larvae of eight species of freshwater fish - II: copper 0007-4861/78/0019-0608 Springer-Verlag New York Inc. 1978 2018/03/09
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) reproduction NOEC 330 days 14.5 μg/L × 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances 2 Mount, D.I. Chronic Toxicity of Copper to Fathead Minnows (Pimphales promelas) Water Research 1968 2018/03/09
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) NOEL 96 hours 13 ppm 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. Sylvester 1997 2018/02/28
その他 Juga plicifera NOEC/L(E)C10 6 その他others [μg Cu/L] 4 OECD SIDS (HPVC) 2019/03/27