化学物質有害性情報データベース 物質情報

CAS 登録番号 CAS RN® : 2893789
官報公示整理番号 METI No. : 5-3499
物質名 test material : 1,3-ジクロロ-1,3,5-トリアジナン-2,4,6-トリオンのナトリウム塩 /1,3-Dichloro-1,3,5-triazinane-2,4,6-trione, sodium salt
水溶解度 water solubility : 38420mg/L (推計値 estimated)
LogKow : -0.06 (推計値 estimated)
備考 remarks
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* 化学物質有害性情報データベース情報更新日が2019年9月以前はRead-acrossデータでも○としていないので、毒性値の取り扱いには注意が必要である。

生物種 学名 影響内容 エンドポイント 暴露期間(値) 暴露期間(単位) 毒性値 毒性値(単位) Read-across * QSAR GLP 設定濃度 実測濃度 情報源 情報源による信頼性評価 著者 タイトル 記載誌 発行年 情報更新日
subject type scientific name effect endpoint exposure duration value exposure duration unit toxicity value toxicity unit Read-across QSAR GLPnominal concentration measured concentrationoriginal work type original work reliability rankauthor title referenced journal publication year Information update date
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Physiology EC50 2 days 199 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Physiology NOEL 2 days 170 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Physiology NOEL 2 days <62 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Physiology NOEL 2 days 150 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Physiology EC50 2 days 280 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Physiology EC50 2 days 110 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality EC50 2 days 150 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Foster,R.B. Use of Asiatic Clam Larvae in Aquatic Hazard Evaluations ASTM Spec. Tech. Publ.:281-288 1981 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Physiology NOEL 2 days 93 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Physiology EC50 2 days 220 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna EC50 48 hours 0.11 mg/L 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database C. Laird 1984 2016/02/02
甲殻類 Daphnia magna EC50 48 hours 0.199 mg/L 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database C. Laird 1987 2016/02/02
甲殻類 Daphnia magna NOEL 48 hours 0.15 mg/L 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database C. Laird 1987 2016/02/02
甲殻類 Daphnia magna NOEL 48 hours 0.093 mg/L 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database C. Laird 1984 2016/02/02
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Mortality LC50 4 days 358 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Mortality LC50 4 days 290 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Foster,R.B. Use of Asiatic Clam Larvae in Aquatic Hazard Evaluations ASTM Spec. Tech. Publ.:281-288 1981 2016/03/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Mortality LC50 4 days 217 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Mortality LC50 4 days 250 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Mortality NOEL 4 days 130 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) Mortality LC50 4 days 1720 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) Mortality NOEL 4 days 90 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) Mortality NOEL 4 days 210 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) Mortality NOEL 4 days 420 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) Mortality NOEL 4 days <10000 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) Mortality LC50 4 days 810 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) Mortality LC50 4 days 283 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) Mortality LC50 4 days 9800 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) Mortality LC50 4 days 2400 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database (Formerly: Environmental Effects Database (EEDB)) Environmental Fate and Effects Division, U.S.EPA, Washington, D.C.: 1992 2016/03/25
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) LC50 96 hours 810 ppb 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann 1971 2018/03/12
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) LC50 48 hours 470 ppb 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann 1976 2018/03/12
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) LC50 24 hours >2.18 ppm 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann/Pitcher 1975 2018/03/12
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) LC50 96 hours 310 ppb 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database C. Laird 1987 2018/03/12
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) LC50 48 hours 9800 ppb 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann 1971 2018/03/12
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) LC50 96 hours 0.655 mg/L 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann 1975 2016/02/02
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) LC50 96 hours 1.72 mg/L 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann 1976 2016/02/02
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) LC50 96 hours 0.62 mg/L 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann/Montague 1995 2016/02/02
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) LC50 96 hours 2.4 mg/L 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann 1976 2016/02/02
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) LC50 96 hours 0.358 mg/L 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann 1976 2016/02/02
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) LC50 24 hours >2.18 mg/L 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann/Pitcher 1975 2016/02/02
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) LC50 96 hours 0.31 mg/L 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database C. Laird 1987 2016/02/02
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) LC50 96 hours 0.81 mg/L 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann 1971 2016/02/02
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) LC50 96 hours 9.8 mg/L 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann 1971 2016/02/02
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) NOEL 48 hours <10000 ppb 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann 1971 2018/03/12
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) NOEL 96 hours 420 ppb 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann 1971 2018/03/12
魚類 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) NOEL 48 hours 180 ppb 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann 1976 2018/03/12
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) NOEL 24 hours <1.7 ppm 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann/Pitcher 1975 2018/03/12
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) NOEL 96 hours 10 mg/L 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann 1971 2016/02/02
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) NOEL 96 hours 0.42 mg/L 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann 1971 2016/02/02
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) NOEL 24 hours >1.7 mg/L 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database J. McCann/Pitcher 1975 2016/02/02