化学物質有害性情報データベース 物質情報

CAS 登録番号 CAS RN® : 3766812
官報公示整理番号 METI No. : 3-150
物質名 test material : N-メチルカルバミン酸2-sec-ブチルフェニル /2-sec-butylphenyl methylcarbamate
水溶解度 water solubility
LogKow : 2.78 (実測値 measured)
備考 remarks
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* 化学物質有害性情報データベース情報更新日が2019年9月以前はRead-acrossデータでも○としていないので、毒性値の取り扱いには注意が必要である。

生物種 学名 影響内容 エンドポイント 暴露期間(値) 暴露期間(単位) 毒性値 毒性値(単位) Read-across * QSAR GLP 設定濃度 実測濃度 情報源 情報源による信頼性評価 著者 タイトル 記載誌 発行年 情報更新日
subject type scientific name effect endpoint exposure duration value exposure duration unit toxicity value toxicity unit Read-across QSAR GLPnominal concentration measured concentrationoriginal work type original work reliability rankauthor title referenced journal publication year Information update date
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata NOECr 72 hours 1800 μg/L 2 日本環境省 農薬登録保留基準(水産動植物) 環境省 水産動植物の被害防止に係る農薬登録保留基準の設定に関する資料 環境庁(1998):平成9 年度生態影響試験報告書 2016/02/17
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata ErC50 72 hours 41500 μg/L 2 日本環境省 農薬登録保留基準(水産動植物) 環境省 水産動植物の被害防止に係る農薬登録保留基準の設定に関する資料 2016/02/17
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata ErC50 72 hours 33000 μg/L 2 日本環境省 農薬登録保留基準(水産動植物) 環境省 水産動植物の被害防止に係る農薬登録保留基準の設定に関する資料 環境庁(1998):平成9 年度生態影響試験報告書 2016/02/17
藻類 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata NOECr 72 hours 2980 μg/L 2 日本環境省 農薬登録保留基準(水産動植物) 環境省 水産動植物の被害防止に係る農薬登録保留基準の設定に関する資料 2016/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Reproduction LOEC 13 days 25~50 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Matsumoto,K.I., M. Hosokawa, K. Kuroda, and G. Endo Toxicity of Agricultural Chemicals in Daphnia magna Osaka City Med. J.55(2): 89-97 2009 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Reproduction LOEC 13 days 25~50 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Matsumoto,K.I., M. Hosokawa, K. Kuroda, and G. Endo Toxicity of Agricultural Chemicals in Daphnia magna Osaka City Med. J.55(2): 89-97 2009 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Physiology LC50 2 days 35 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Matsumoto,K.I., M. Hosokawa, K. Kuroda, and G. Endo Toxicity of Agricultural Chemicals in Daphnia magna Osaka City Med. J.55(2): 89-97 2009 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality LC50 8 days 37.5 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Matsumoto,K.I., M. Hosokawa, K. Kuroda, and G. Endo Toxicity of Agricultural Chemicals in Daphnia magna Osaka City Med. J.55(2): 89-97 2009 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality LC50 2 days 100 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Hatakeyama,S., and Y. Sugaya A Freshwater Shrimp (Paratya compressa improvisa) as a Sensitive Test Organism to Pesticides Environ. Pollut.59(4): 325-336 1989 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Physiology LC50 1 days 37 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Matsumoto,K.I., M. Hosokawa, K. Kuroda, and G. Endo Toxicity of Agricultural Chemicals in Daphnia magna Osaka City Med. J.55(2): 89-97 2009 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna 遊泳阻害 EC50 48 hours 10.2 μg/L 2 日本環境省 農薬登録保留基準(水産動植物) 環境省 水産動植物の被害防止に係る農薬登録保留基準の設定に関する資料 2016/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna 遊泳阻害 EC50 48 hours 14.4 μg/L 2 日本環境省 農薬登録保留基準(水産動植物) 環境省 水産動植物の被害防止に係る農薬登録保留基準の設定に関する資料 環境庁(1998):平成9 年度生態影響試験報告書 2016/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna 遊泳阻害 EC50 48 hours 36.7 μg/L 2 日本環境省 農薬登録保留基準(水産動植物) 環境省 水産動植物の被害防止に係る農薬登録保留基準の設定に関する資料 2016/02/17
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Mortality LC50 48 hours 0.0992 mg/L 17 Aquatic OASIS (OECD QSAR Toolbox) Peter C. von der Ohe, Ralph Kühne, Ralf-Uwe Ebert, Rolf Altenburger, Matthias Liess, and Gerrit Schüürmann Structural Alerts-A New Classification Model to Discriminate Excess Toxicity from Narcotic Effect Levels of Organic Compounds in the Acute Daphnid Assay 2005 2016/02/08
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Mortality LC50 4 days 1700 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Sun,F. Evaluating Acute Toxicity of Pesticides to Aquatic Organisms: Carp, Mosquito Fish and Daphnids Zhiwu Baohu Xuehui Huikan (Plant Prot. Bull. (Taichung))29(4): 385-396 1987 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth NOEC 21 days 750 その他others [AI g/ha] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Koesoemadinata,S. Aquatic Toxicology of Selected Rice Insecticides, with Special Reference to Their Effects on Fish Culture in West Java, Indonesia Ph.D.Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK:379 p. 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth NOEC 21 days 750 その他others [AI g/ha] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Koesoemadinata,S. Aquatic Toxicology of Selected Rice Insecticides, with Special Reference to Their Effects on Fish Culture in West Java, Indonesia Ph.D.Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK:379 p. 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth NOEC 21 days 750 その他others [AI g/ha] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Koesoemadinata,S. Aquatic Toxicology of Selected Rice Insecticides, with Special Reference to Their Effects on Fish Culture in West Java, Indonesia Ph.D.Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK:379 p. 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Mortality NOEC 25 days 1500 その他others [AI g/ha] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Koesoemadinata,S. Aquatic Toxicology of Selected Rice Insecticides, with Special Reference to Their Effects on Fish Culture in West Java, Indonesia Ph.D.Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK:379 p. 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Mortality NOEC 21 days 750 その他others [AI g/ha] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Koesoemadinata,S. Aquatic Toxicology of Selected Rice Insecticides, with Special Reference to Their Effects on Fish Culture in West Java, Indonesia Ph.D.Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK:379 p. 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth NOEC 25 days 1500 その他others [AI g/ha] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Koesoemadinata,S. Aquatic Toxicology of Selected Rice Insecticides, with Special Reference to Their Effects on Fish Culture in West Java, Indonesia Ph.D.Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK:379 p. 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Mortality 4 days 400 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Chen,C., Y. Wang, X. Zhao, Q. Wang, and Y. Qian The Combined Toxicity Assessment of Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Acetylcholinesterase Activity by Binary Mixtures of Chlorpyrifos and Four Other Insecticides Ecotoxicology23:221-228 2014 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth NOEC 25 days 1500 その他others [AI g/ha] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Koesoemadinata,S. Aquatic Toxicology of Selected Rice Insecticides, with Special Reference to Their Effects on Fish Culture in West Java, Indonesia Ph.D.Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK:379 p. 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Population LOEC 25 days 1500 その他others [AI g/ha] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Koesoemadinata,S. Aquatic Toxicology of Selected Rice Insecticides, with Special Reference to Their Effects on Fish Culture in West Java, Indonesia Ph.D.Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK:379 p. 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth LOEC 25 days 1500 その他others [AI g/ha] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Koesoemadinata,S. Aquatic Toxicology of Selected Rice Insecticides, with Special Reference to Their Effects on Fish Culture in West Java, Indonesia Ph.D.Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK:379 p. 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Population NOEC 21 days 750 その他others [AI g/ha] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Koesoemadinata,S. Aquatic Toxicology of Selected Rice Insecticides, with Special Reference to Their Effects on Fish Culture in West Java, Indonesia Ph.D.Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK:379 p. 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Mortality LC50 2 days 12600 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Li,G.C., and C.Y. Chen Study on the Acute Toxicities of Commonly Used Pesticides to Two Kinds of Fish KO Hsueh Fa Chan Yueh Kan9(2): 146-152 1981 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Mortality LC50 2 days 1600 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Li,G.C., and C.Y. Chen Study on the Acute Toxicities of Commonly Used Pesticides to Two Kinds of Fish KO Hsueh Fa Chan Yueh Kan9(2): 146-152 1981 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Mortality LC50 3 days 6600 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Koesoemadinata,S. Aquatic Toxicology of Selected Rice Insecticides, with Special Reference to Their Effects on Fish Culture in West Java, Indonesia Ph.D.Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK:379 p. 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Mortality LC50 2 days 7500 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Koesoemadinata,S. Aquatic Toxicology of Selected Rice Insecticides, with Special Reference to Their Effects on Fish Culture in West Java, Indonesia Ph.D.Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK:379 p. 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Mortality LC50 1 days 8300 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Koesoemadinata,S. Aquatic Toxicology of Selected Rice Insecticides, with Special Reference to Their Effects on Fish Culture in West Java, Indonesia Ph.D.Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK:379 p. 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Biochemical EC50 4 days 171.6 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Chen,C., Y. Wang, X. Zhao, Q. Wang, and Y. Qian The Combined Toxicity Assessment of Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Acetylcholinesterase Activity by Binary Mixtures of Chlorpyrifos and Four Other Insecticides Ecotoxicology23:221-228 2014 2016/03/25
魚類 Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) Mortality 5 days 320 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kubota,S.S., and T. Ochiai Studies on Toxic Effects of Pesticides on Fish - III. Effect of Benthiocarb on the Toxicity of the Other Pesticides Bull. Fac. Fish. Mie Univ.6:119-128 1979 2016/03/25
魚類 Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) Mortality 5 days 320 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kubota,S.S., and T. Ochiai Studies on Toxic Effects of Pesticides on Fish - III. Effect of Benthiocarb on the Toxicity of the Other Pesticides Bull. Fac. Fish. Mie Univ.6:119-128 1979 2016/03/25
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mortality LC50 1 days 1850 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Tejada,A.W., C.M. Bajet, M.G. Magbauna, N.B. Gambalan, L.C. Araez, and E.D. Magallona Toxicity of Pesticides to Target and Non-Target Fauna of the Lowland Rice Ecosystem In: B.Widianarko, K.Vink, and N.M.Van Straalen (Eds.), Environmental Toxicology in South East Asia, VU University Press, Amsterdam:89-103 1994 2016/03/25
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mortality LC50 2 days 800 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Tejada,A.W., C.M. Bajet, M.G. Magbauna, N.B. Gambalan, L.C. Araez, and E.D. Magallona Toxicity of Pesticides to Target and Non-Target Fauna of the Lowland Rice Ecosystem In: B.Widianarko, K.Vink, and N.M.Van Straalen (Eds.), Environmental Toxicology in South East Asia, VU University Press, Amsterdam:89-103 1994 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth NOEC 25 days 1500 その他others [AI g/ha] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Koesoemadinata,S. Aquatic Toxicology of Selected Rice Insecticides, with Special Reference to Their Effects on Fish Culture in West Java, Indonesia Ph.D.Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK:379 p. 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Biochemical 3 days 50~100 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Ariyoshi,T., S. Shiiba, H. Hasegawa, and K. Arizono Effects of the Environmental Pollutants on Heme Oxygenase Activity and Cytochrome P-450 Content in Fish Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.44(2): 189-196 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Mortality LC50 4 days 5800 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Koesoemadinata,S. Aquatic Toxicology of Selected Rice Insecticides, with Special Reference to Their Effects on Fish Culture in West Java, Indonesia Ph.D.Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK:379 p. 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Biochemical 3 days 100 その他others [mg/kg bdwt] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Ariyoshi,T., S. Shiiba, H. Hasegawa, and K. Arizono Profile of Metal-Binding Proteins and Heme Oxygenase in Red Carp Treated With Heavy Metals, Pesticides and Surfactants Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.44(4): 643-649 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Population NOEC 25 days 750 その他others [AI g/ha] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Koesoemadinata,S. Aquatic Toxicology of Selected Rice Insecticides, with Special Reference to Their Effects on Fish Culture in West Java, Indonesia Ph.D.Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK:379 p. 1990 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) 死亡 LC50 96 hours 25200 μg/L 2 日本環境省 農薬登録保留基準(水産動植物) 環境省 水産動植物の被害防止に係る農薬登録保留基準の設定に関する資料 2016/02/17
魚類 Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) 死亡 LC50 96 hours 9780 μg/L 2 日本環境省 農薬登録保留基準(水産動植物) 環境省 水産動植物の被害防止に係る農薬登録保留基準の設定に関する資料 環境庁(1998):平成9 年度生態影響調査報告書 2016/02/17
魚類 Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) Mortality LC50 48 hours 9.92 mg/L 17 Aquatic OASIS (OECD QSAR Toolbox) - Biodegradation and Bioaccumulation Data of Existing Chemicals Based on the CSCL Japan 1992 2016/02/08