化学物質有害性情報データベース 物質情報

CAS 登録番号 CAS RN® : 75650
官報公示整理番号 METI No. : 2-132
物質名 test material : 2-メチルプロパン-2-オール /2-Methylpropan-2-ol
水溶解度 water solubility : 217500mg/L (実測値 measured)
LogKow : 0.35 (実測値 measured)
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* 化学物質有害性情報データベース情報更新日が2019年9月以前はRead-acrossデータでも○としていないので、毒性値の取り扱いには注意が必要である。

生物種 学名 影響内容 エンドポイント 暴露期間(値) 暴露期間(単位) 毒性値 毒性値(単位) Read-across * QSAR GLP 設定濃度 実測濃度 情報源 情報源による信頼性評価 著者 タイトル 記載誌 発行年 情報更新日
subject type scientific name effect endpoint exposure duration value exposure duration unit toxicity value toxicity unit Read-across QSAR GLPnominal concentration measured concentrationoriginal work type original work reliability rankauthor title referenced journal publication year Information update date
藻類 Scenedesmus subspicatus Cellular Effects EC3 7 days 1580000 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Trenel,J., and R. Kuhn Bewertung Wassergefahrdender Stoffe im Hinblick auf Lagerung, Umschlag und Transport Umweltforschungsplan des Bundesministers des Innern: 1982 2016/03/25
藻類 Scenedesmus subspicatus Cellular Effects EC3 7 days 6100 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Trenel,J., and R. Kuhn Bewertung Wassergefahrdender Stoffe im Hinblick auf Lagerung, Umschlag und Transport Umweltforschungsplan des Bundesministers des Innern: 1982 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Behavior EC50 1 days 5050000 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Trenel,J., and R. Kuhn Bewertung Wassergefahrdender Stoffe im Hinblick auf Lagerung, Umschlag und Transport Umweltforschungsplan des Bundesministers des Innern: 1982 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Physiology EC50 2 days 5504000 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kuhn,R., M. Pattard, K.D. Pernak, and A. Winter Results of the Harmful Effects of Selected Water Pollutants (Anilines, Phenols, Aliphatic Compounds) to Daphnia magna Water Res.23(4): 495-499 1989 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Physiology EC50 1 days 5504000 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Kuhn,R., M. Pattard, K.D. Pernak, and A. Winter Results of the Harmful Effects of Selected Water Pollutants (Anilines, Phenols, Aliphatic Compounds) to Daphnia magna Water Res.23(4): 495-499 1989 2016/03/25
甲殻類 Daphnia magna Intoxication ET50 24 hours 5490 mg/L 17 Aquatic OASIS (OECD QSAR Toolbox) Urrestarazu Ramos, E. Aquatic toxicity of polar narcotic pollutants/ Mechanism, modeling and environmental effect assessment (PhD Thesis) 1998 2016/02/08
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth 0.1 その他others [ml/L] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gimeno,S., H. Komen, S. Jobling, J. Sumpter, and T. Bowmer Demasculinisation of Sexually Mature Male Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio, Exposed to 4-tert-Pentylphenol During Spermatogenesis Aquat. Toxicol.43(2-3): 93-109 1998 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Growth 0.1 その他others [ml/L] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gimeno,S., H. Komen, S. Jobling, J. Sumpter, and T. Bowmer Demasculinisation of Sexually Mature Male Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio, Exposed to 4-tert-Pentylphenol During Spermatogenesis Aquat. Toxicol.43(2-3): 93-109 1998 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Cellular Effects 0.1 その他others [ml/L] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gimeno,S., H. Komen, S. Jobling, J. Sumpter, and T. Bowmer Demasculinisation of Sexually Mature Male Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio, Exposed to 4-tert-Pentylphenol During Spermatogenesis Aquat. Toxicol.43(2-3): 93-109 1998 2016/03/25
魚類 Cyprinus carpio (Carp) Biochemical 0.1 その他others [ml/L] 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Gimeno,S., H. Komen, S. Jobling, J. Sumpter, and T. Bowmer Demasculinisation of Sexually Mature Male Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio, Exposed to 4-tert-Pentylphenol During Spermatogenesis Aquat. Toxicol.43(2-3): 93-109 1998 2016/03/25
魚類 Danio rerio (Zebrafish) Biochemical 42 days <100000 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Bogers,R., E. Mutsaerds, J. Druke, D.F. De Roode, A.J. Murk, B. Van der Burg, and J. Legler Estrogenic Endpoints in Fish Early Life-Stage Tests: Luciferase and Vitellogenin Induction in Estrogen-Responsive Transgenic Zebrafish Environ. Toxicol. Chem.25(1): 241-247 2006 2016/03/25
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) Mortality LC50 4 days 6410000 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Geiger,D.L., S.H. Poirier, L.T. Brooke, and D.J. Call Acute Toxicities of Organic Chemicals to Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas) Volume III Center for Lake Superior Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin, Superior, WI:328 p. 1986 2016/03/25
魚類 Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) Mortality LC0 4 days >180000 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Buzzell,J.C.,Jr., R.H.F. Young, and D.W. Ryckman Behavior of Organic Chemicals in the Aquatic Environment. Part II. - Behavior in Dilute Systems Environ.Sanitary Engineering Labs., Washington University, St.Louis, MO:81 p. 1968 2016/03/25
魚類 Carassius auratus (Goldfish) Mortality LC50 1 days >5000000 μg/L 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) Bridie,A.L., C.J.M. Wolff, and M. Winter The Acute Toxicity of Some Petrochemicals to Goldfish Water Res.13(7): 623-626 1979 2016/03/25
魚類 Carassius auratus (Goldfish) Mortality LC50 24 hours 3550 mg/L 17 Aquatic OASIS (OECD QSAR Toolbox) Lipnick, R.L., K.R. Watson, and A.K.Strausz A QSAR Study of the Acute Toxicity of Some Industrial Organic Chemicals to Goldfish. Narcosis, Electrophile and Proelectrophile Mechanisms. 1987 2016/02/08
魚類 Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) Mortality LC50 48 hours 5490 mg/L 17 Aquatic OASIS (OECD QSAR Toolbox) - Biodegradation and Bioaccumulation Data of Existing Chemicals Based on the CSCL Japan 1992 2016/02/08
魚類 Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) Mortality LC50 96 hours 6460 mg/L 17 Aquatic OASIS (OECD QSAR Toolbox) Russom, C.L., Bradbury, S.P., Broderius, S.J., Drummond, R.A. and Hammermeister, D.E. PREDICTING MODES OF TOXIC ACTION FROM CHEMICAL STRUCTURE: ACUTE TOXICITY IN THE FATHEAD MINNOW (PIMEPHALES PROMELAS) 1997 2016/02/08
魚類 Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) Mortality LC50 96 hours 3550 mg/L 17 Aquatic OASIS (OECD QSAR Toolbox) Raevsky, O.A., and Dearden, J.C. Creation of predictive models of aquatic toxicity of environmental pollutants with different mechanisms of action on the basis of molecular similarity and hybot descriptors. 2004 2016/02/08