* 生態影響に係る有害性情報更新日が2019年9月以前はRead-acrossデータに○を記載しておらず、被験物質が標記の物質ではない可能性がある。
生物種 | 学名 | 影響内容 | エンドポイント | 暴露期間(値) | 暴露期間(単位) | 毒性値 | 毒性値(単位) | 毒性値(単位)種別 | 試験中の 被験物質 濃度測定 あり:○ なし:× |
情報源 | 情報源による 信頼性評価** |
著者 | タイトル | 記載誌 | 発行年 | 情報更新日 | |||
subject type | scientific name | effect | endpoint | exposure duration value |
exposure duration unit |
toxicity value | toxicity unit | toxicity unit type | Read-across* | QSAR | GLP | measurement of the test material |
original work type | original work reliability rank |
author | title | referenced journal | publication year | Information update date |
藻類 | Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | Chlorophyll Content | EC50 | 5 | hours | 36200 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Radix, P., M. Leonard, C. Papantoniou, G. Roman, E. Saouter, S. Gallotti-Schnitt, H. Thiebaud and P. Vasseur | Comparison of Four Chronic Toxicity Tests Using Algae, Bacteria, and Invertebrates Assessed with Sixteen Chemicals. | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | 2000 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | Growth (RATE) | EC50 | 3 | days | 80000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Verge, C. and A. Moreno | Toxicity of Anionic Surfactants to Green Microalgae "Scenedesmus subspicatus" and "Selenastrum capricornutum". | Tenside surfactants detergents. | 1996 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Chlorella sp. Chlorella pyrenoidosa | Growth | EC50 | 7 | days | 4400 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | 近藤正夫、山本甫、荒川幸夫 | 藻類の増殖と生理活性に及ぼす洗剤の影響 | 愛知県公害調査センター | 1983 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | Growth (RATE) | EC50 | 3 | days | >50000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | (独)国立環境研究所 | 平成17 年度化学物質環境リスク評価検討調査報告書 | 2006 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
藻類 | Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | Growth (RATE) | EC50 | 3 | days | 62000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Verge, C. and A. Moreno | Toxicity of Anionic Surfactants to Green Microalgae "Scenedesmus subspicatus" and "Selenastrum capricornutum". | Tenside surfactants detergents. | 1996 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | Growth (RATE) | EC50 | 3 | days | 80000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Verge, C. and A. Moreno | Toxicity of Anionic Surfactants to Green Microalgae "Scenedesmus subspicatus" and "Selenastrum capricornutum". | Tenside surfactants detergents. | 1996 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Chlorella vulgaris | 生長阻害 バイオマス | EC50 | 96 | hours | 18~32 | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Canton,J.H. and Slooff,W. | Substitutes for phosphate containing washing products: their toxicity and biodegradability in the aquatic environment. | Chemosphere, 11. | 1982 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
藻類 | Scenedesmus sp. Scenedesmus subspicatus and Selenastrum capricornutum | EC50 | 72 | hours | 80 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Verge C, Moreno A, Bravo J, Ferrer J, & Bengoechea C | Toxicity of LAS vs activated sludge of a WWTP and microalgae (Scenedesmus subspicatus) | Presented at Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 1st World Congress, Lisbon, March 1993. New York, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 1993 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
藻類 | Chlorella sp. Chlorella pyreniodosa | 生長阻害 バイオマス | EC50 | 7 | days | 4.4 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 近藤正夫, 山本甫, 荒川幸夫 | 藻類の増殖と生理活性に及ぼす洗剤の影響. | 愛知県公害調査センター所報, 11. | 1983 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
藻類 | Desmodesmus subspicatus | Growth (RATE) | EC50 | 3 | days | 18000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Verge, C. and A. Moreno | Toxicity of Anionic Surfactants to Green Microalgae "Scenedesmus subspicatus" and "Selenastrum capricornutum". | Tenside surfactants detergents | 1996 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | Growth (Area Under Growth Curve) | EC50 | 3 | days | 19000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | 環境省 | 平成11 年度 生態影響試験 | 2000 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
藻類 | Desmodesmus subspicatus | Growth (RATE) | EC50 | 3 | days | 270000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Verge, C. and A. Moreno | Toxicity of Anionic Surfactants to Green Microalgae "Scenedesmus subspicatus" and "Selenastrum capricornutum". | Tenside surfactants detergents. | 1996 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Chlorella sp. Chlorella pyrenoidosa | Growth (Area Under Growth Curve) | EC50 | 4 | days | 29000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Utsunomiya, A., T. Watanuki, K. Matsushita, and I. Tomita | Toxic Effects of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate, Quaternary Alkylammonium Chloride and Their Complexes on Dunaliella sp. And Chlorella pyrenoidosa. | Environ.Toxicol.Chem (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1997 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | Population Changes | EC50 | 4 | days | 116000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Lewis, M.A., and B.G. Hamm | Environmental Modification of the Photosynthetic Response of Lake Plankton to Surfactants and Significance to a Laboratory-Field Comparison | Water Res. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1986 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | Population Changes | EC50 | 4 | days | 29000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Lewis, M.A., and B.G. Hamm | Environmental Modification of the Photosynthetic Response of Lake Plankton to Surfactants and Significance to a Laboratory-Field Comparison. | Water Res. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1986 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Selenastrum capricornutum | growth | EC50 | 96 | hours | 83 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Konno R & Wakabayashi M | Effects of chemical compounds on the growth of planktonic algae. | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Protect [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1987 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||
藻類 | Navicula pelliculosa | Population Changes | EC50 | 4 | days | 1400 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Lewis, M.A., and B.G. Hamm | Environmental Modification of the Photosynthetic Response of Lake Plankton to Surfactants and Significance to a Laboratory-Field Comparison | Water Res. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1986 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Chlorella vulgaris | growth | EC50 | 96 | hours | 18~32 | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Canton JH & Slooff W | Substitutes for phosphate containing washing products: their toxicity and biodegradability in the aquatic environment | Chemosphere | 1982 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
藻類 | Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | Growth | EC50 | 3 | days | 103000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Radix, P., M. Leonard, C. Papantoniou, G. Roman, E. Saouter, S. Gallotti-Schnitt, H. Thiebaud and P. Vasseur | Comparison of Four Chronic Toxicity Tests Using Algae, Bacteria, and Invertebrates Assessed with Sixteen Chemicals. | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. | 2000 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Scenedesmus sp. Scenedesmus subspicatus and Selenastrum capricornutum | EC50 | 72 | hours | 18 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Verge C, Moreno A, Bravo J, Ferrer J, & Bengoechea C | Toxicity of LAS vs activated sludge of a WWTP and microalgae (Scenedesmus subspicatus) | Presented at Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 1st World Congress, Lisbon, March 1993. New York, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 1993 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
藻類 | Selenastrum capricornutum | 生長阻害 細胞数 | EC50 | 72 | hours | 103 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Radix, P., Leonard, M., Papantoniou, C., Roman, G., Saouter, E., Gallotti-Schmitt, S., Thiebaud, H. and Vasseur, P. | Comparison of four chronic toxicity tests using algae, bacteria, and invertebrates assessed with sixteen chemicals. | Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., 47. | 2000 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
藻類 | Selenastrum capricornutum | population growth | EC50 | 96 | hours | 29 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Lewis MA & Hamm BG | Environmental modification of the photosynthetic response of lake plankton to surfactants and significance to a laboratory-field comparison | Water Res | 1986 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||
藻類 | Selenastrum capricornutum | EC50 | 96 | hours | 50~100 | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Yamane AN, Okada M, & Sudo R | The growth inhibition of planktonic algae due to surfactants used in washing agents | Water Res | 1984 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||||
藻類 | Chlorella sp. Chlorella pyrenoidosa | growth | EC50 | 7 | days | 10 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kondo M, Yamamoto H, & Arakawa Y | Effects of detergents on algae growth and physiological activities | Bull Aichi Environ Center | 1983 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||
藻類 | Scenedesmus sp. Scenedesmus subspicatus and Selenastrum capricornutum | EC50 | 72 | hours | 80 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Verge C, Moreno A, Bravo J, Ferrer J, & Bengoechea C | Toxicity of LAS vs activated sludge of a WWTP and microalgae (Scenedesmus subspicatus) | Presented at Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 1st World Congress, Lisbon, March 1993. New York, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 1993 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
藻類 | Selenastrum capricornutum | population growth | EC50 | 96 | hours | 116 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Lewis MA & Hamm BG | Environmental modification of the photosynthetic response of lake plankton to surfactants and significance to a laboratory-field comparison | Water Res | 1986 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||
藻類 | Selenastrum capricornutum | 生長阻害 細胞数 | EC50 | 6 | days | 83 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 紺野良子, 若林明子 | 藻類の増殖に及ぼす化学物質の影響. | 東京都環境科学研究所年報. | 1987 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
藻類 | Scenedesmus sp. Scenedesmus subspicatus and Selenastrum capricornutum | EC50 | 72 | hours | 62 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Verge C, Moreno A, Bravo J, Ferrer J, & Bengoechea C | Toxicity of LAS vs activated sludge of a WWTP and microalgae (Scenedesmus subspicatus) | Presented at Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 1st World Congress, Lisbon, March 1993. New York, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 1993 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
藻類 | Scenedesmus sp. Scenedesmus subspicatus and Selenastrum capricornutum | EC50 | 72 | hours | 33 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Verge C, Moreno A, Bravo J, Ferrer J, & Bengoechea C | Toxicity of LAS vs activated sludge of a WWTP and microalgae (Scenedesmus subspicatus) | Presented at Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 1st World Congress, Lisbon, March 1993. New York, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 1993 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
藻類 | Navicula pelliculosa | population growth | EC50 | 96 | hours | 1.4 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Lewis MA & Hamm BG | Environmental modification of the photosynthetic response of lake plankton to surfactants and significance to a laboratory-field comparison | Water Res | 1986 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||
藻類 | Scenedesmus sp. Scenedesmus subspicatus and Selenastrum capricornutum | EC50 | 72 | hours | 235 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Verge C, Moreno A, Bravo J, Ferrer J, & Bengoechea C | Toxicity of LAS vs activated sludge of a WWTP and microalgae (Scenedesmus subspicatus) | Presented at Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 1st World Congress, Lisbon, March 1993. New York, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 1993 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
藻類 | Scenedesmus sp. Scenedesmus subspicatus and Selenastrum capricornutum | EC50 | 72 | hours | 118 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Verge C, Moreno A, Bravo J, Ferrer J, & Bengoechea C | Toxicity of LAS vs activated sludge of a WWTP and microalgae (Scenedesmus subspicatus) | Presented at Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 1st World Congress, Lisbon, March 1993. New York, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 1993 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
藻類 | Scenedesmus sp. Scenedesmus subspicatus and Selenastrum capricornutum | EC50 | 72 | hours | 62 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Verge C, Moreno A, Bravo J, Ferrer J, & Bengoechea C | Toxicity of LAS vs activated sludge of a WWTP and microalgae (Scenedesmus subspicatus) | Presented at Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 1st World Congress, Lisbon, March 1993. New York, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 1993 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
藻類 | Desmodesmus subspicatus | Growth (RATE) | NOEC | 3 | days | 80000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Verge, C. and A. Moreno | Toxicity of Anionic Surfactants to Green Microalgae "Scenedesmus subspicatus" and "Selenastrum capricornutum". | Tenside surfactants detergents. | 1996 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | Growth (RATE) | NOEC | 3 | days | 5000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | (独)国立環境研究所 | 平成17 年度化学物質環境リスク評価検討調査報告書 | 2006 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
藻類 | Desmodesmus subspicatus | Growth (RATE) | NOEC | 3 | days | 400 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Scholz, N. | Bestimmung der Auswirkungen von Marlon A350 auf das Wachstum von Scenedesmus Subspicatus 86.81. | SAG (Algenwachstumshemmtest nach Richtlinie 92/69/EWG) Huels Final Report No. AW-372. (OECD High Production Volume Chemicals Program (2006):SIDS (Screening Information Data Set) Initial Assessment Report, Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate(LAS)) | 1994 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Desmodesmus subspicatus | Growth (RATE) | NOEC | 3 | days | 7000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Verge, C. and A. Moreno | Toxicity of Anionic Surfactants to Green Microalgae "Scenedesmus subspicatus" and "Selenastrum capricornutum" | Tenside surfactants detergents | 1996 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Chlorella sp. Chlorella pyrenoidosa | Growth | NOEC | 12 | days | <1000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | 近藤正夫、山本甫、荒川幸夫 | 藻類の増殖と生理活性に及ぼす洗剤の影響. | 愛知県公害調査センター | 1983 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | Growth (Area Under Growth Curve) | NOEC | 3 | days | 5000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | 環境省 | 平成11 年度 生態影響試験 | 2000 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
藻類 | Desmodesmus subspicatus | Population Changes | NOEC | 3 | days | 100 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Scholz, N. | Bestimmung der Auswirkungen von Marlon A350 auf das Wachstum von Scenedesmus Subspicatus 86.81. | SAG (Algenwachstumshemmtest nach Richtlinie 92/69/EWG) Huels Final Report No. AW-372. (OECD High Production Volume Chemicals Program (2006):SIDS (Screening Information Data Set) Initial Assessment Report, Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate(LAS)) | 1994 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | Growth | NOEC | 3 | days | 1000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Radix, P., M. Leonard, C. Papantoniou, G. Roman, E. Saouter, S. Gallotti-Schnitt, H. Thiebaud and P. Vasseur | Comparison of Four Chronic Toxicity Tests Using Algae, Bacteria, and Invertebrates Assessed with Sixteen Chemicals | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | 2000 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
藻類 | Selenastrum capricornutum | 生長阻害 細胞数 | NOEC | 72 | hours | 1 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Radix, P., Leonard, M., Papantoniou, C., Roman, G., Saouter, E., Gallotti-Schmitt, S., Thiebaud, H. and Vasseur, P. | Comparison of four chronic toxicity tests using algae, bacteria, and invertebrates assessed with sixteen chemicals. | Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., 47. | 2000 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 680 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Maki, A.W. and W.E. Bishop | Acute Toxicity Studies of Surfactants to Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex. | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. | 1979 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Ceriodaphnia sp. Ceriodaphnia cf. dubia | Immobilization | EC50 | 2 | days | 7810 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Warne, M.S.J., and A.D. Schifko | Toxicity of Laundry Detergent Components to a Freshwater Cladoceran and Their Contribution to Detergent Toxicity. | Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1999 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 2710 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Lewis, M.A. and R.L. Perry | Acute Toxicities of Equimolar and Equitoxic Surfactant Mixtures to Daphnia magna and Lepomis macrochirus. | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. | 1981 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 2970 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Lewis, M.A. and R.L. Perry | Acute Toxicities of Equimolar and Equitoxic Surfactant Mixtures to Daphnia magna and Lepomis macrochirus. | Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment: Fourth Conference, ASTM STP 737, D.R. Branson and K.L. Dickson, Eds. | 1981 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Immobilization | EC50 | 2 | days | 1620 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Scholz, N. | Bestimmung der Auswirkungen von Marlon A350 auf das Wachstum von Scenedesmus Subspicatus 86.81. | SAG (Algenwachstumshemmtest nach Richtlinie 92/69/EWG) Huels Final Report No. AW-372. (OECD High Production Volume Chemicals Program (2006):SIDS (Screening Information Data Set) Initial Assessment Report, Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate(LAS)) | 1994 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 700 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Kimerle, R.A., and R.D. Swisher | Reduction of Aquatic Toxicity of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS) by Biodegradation. Water | Water Res. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1977 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 8.62 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Maki AW & Bishop WE | Acute toxicity studies of surfactants to Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex | Arch Environ Contam Toxicol | 1979 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 3500 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Kimerle, R.A., and R.D. Swisher | Reduction of Aquatic Toxicity of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS) by Biodegradation. | Water Res. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1977 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 18~32 | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Canton JH & Slooff W | Substitutes for phosphate containing washing products: their toxicity and biodegradability in the aquatic environment | Chemosphere | 1982 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality | 2 | days | 13 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Lal, H., V. Misra, P.N. Viswanathan, and C.R.K. Murti | Comparative Studies on Ecotoxicology of Synthetic Detergents. | Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1983 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 1000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Maki, A.W. and W.E. Bishop | Acute Toxicity Studies of Surfactants to Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex. | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. | 1979 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 1400 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Maki, A.W. and W.E. Bi | Acute Toxicity Studies of Surfactants to Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex. | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. | 1979 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 4400 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Bishop, W.E., and R.L. Perry | Development and Evaluation of a Flow-Through Growth Inhibition Test with Duckweed (Lemna minor). | In: D.R.Branson and K.L.Dickson (Eds.), Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment, 4th Conf., ASTM STP 737, Philadelphia, PA (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1981 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 24 | hours | 18 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M, Konno R, & Nishiido T | Relative lethal sensitivity of two daphnid species to some chemicals | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1988 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 24 | hours | 17 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M, Konno R, & Nishiido T | Relative lethal sensitivity of two daphnid species to some chemicals. | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo | 1986 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia sp. Daphnia pulex | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 590 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Maki, A.W. and W.E. Bishop | Acute Toxicity Studies of Surfactants to Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex. | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. | 1979 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 24 | hours | 17 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 若林明子, 紺野良子, 西井戸敏夫(1988) | 2 種のミジンコに対する化学物質の致死影響について. | 東京都環境科学研究所年報. | 1988 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Immobilization | EC50 | 2 | days | 3400 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | 環境省 | 平成11 年度 生態影響試験 | 2000 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Ceriodaphnia sp. Ceriodaphnia cf. dubia | Immobilization | EC50 | 2 | days | 3240 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Warne, M.S.J., and A.D. Schifko | Toxicity of Laundry Detergent Components to a Freshwater Cladoceran and Their Contribution to Detergent Toxicity. | Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1999 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 5880 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Maki, A.W. and W.E. Bishop | Acute Toxicity Studies of Surfactants to Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex. | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. | 1979 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 9.55 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Maki AW & Bishop WE | Acute toxicity studies of surfactants to Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex | Arch Environ Contam Toxicol | 1979 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 12300 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Kimerle, R.A., and R.D. Swisher | Reduction of Aquatic Toxicity of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS) by Biodegradation. | Water Res. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1977 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 6840 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Maki, A.W. and W.E. Bishop | Acute Toxicity Studies of Surfactants to Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex. | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. | 1979 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 0.68~0.8 | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 2 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 0.7 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 29600 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Maki, A.W. and W.E. Bishop | Acute Toxicity Studies of Surfactants to Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex. | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. | 1979 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 4.8 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Lewis MA | Effect of loading density on the acute toxicities ofsurfactants, copper, and phenol to Daphnia magna Straus | Arch Environ Contam Toxicol | 1983 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality | LC50 | 1 | days | 6900 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Swisher, R.D., W.E. Gledhill, R.A. kimerle and T.A. Taulli | Carboxylated Intermediates in the Biodegradation of Linear Alkylbenzene Sufonates (LAS). | Ⅷ International Congress on Surface Active Sabstance, Preceedings. | 1976 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 0.15 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Maki AW & Bishop WE | Acute toxicity studies of surfactants to Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex | Arch Environ Contam Toxicol | 1979 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Ceriodaphnia sp. Ceriodaphnia cf. dubia | Immobilization | EC50 | 2 | days | 5650 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Warne, M.S.J., and A.D. Schifko | Toxicity of Laundry Detergent Components to a Freshwater Cladoceran and Their Contribution to Detergent Toxicity. | Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1999 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 5630 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Lewis, M.A. and R.L. Perry | Acute Toxicities of Equimolar and Equitoxic Surfactant Mixtures to Daphnia magna and Lepomis macrochirus. | Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment: Fourth Conference, ASTM STP 737, D.R. Branson and K.L. Dickson, Eds. | 1981 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 1.8~5.6 | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Lewis MA & Suprenant D | Comparative acute toxicities of surfactants to aquatic invertebrates | Ecotoxicol Environ Saf | 1983 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 0.11~0.2 | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 3.6~4.7 | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Taylor MJ | Effect of diet on the sensitivity of Daphnia magna to linear alkylbenzene sulfonate | In: Cardwell RD, Purdy R, & Bahner RC ed. Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment: Seventh Symposium. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, American Society for Testing and Materials | 1985 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 2.63 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 5.7 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 18~32 | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Canton,J.H. and Slooff,W. | Substitutes for phosphate containing washing products: their toxicity and biodegradability in the aquatic environment. | Chemosphere, 11. | 1982 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 12.3 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 0.59 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Maki AW & Bishop WE | Acute toxicity studies of surfactants to Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex | Arch Environ Contam Toxicol | 1979 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 1.15 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 96 | hours | 3.94 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Maki, A.W. | Correlations between Daphnia magna and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas)chronic toxicity values for several classes of test substances. | J. Fish. Res. Board Can., 36. | 1979 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 3.5 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 5.88~6.84 | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 2.19 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Maki AW | Correlations between Daphnia magna and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) chronic toxicity values for several classes of test substance | J Fish Res Board Can | 1979 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia sp. Daphnia pulex | LC50 | 24 | hours | 18 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 若林明子, 紺野良子, 西井戸敏夫 | 2 種のミジンコに対する化学物質の致死影響について. | 東京都環境科学研究所年報. | 1988 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia sp. Daphnia carinata | 遊泳阻害 | EC50 | 24 | hours | 30 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 服部充雄, 妹尾枸杞, 原田周二, 石津淑子, 後藤幹保(1984) | ミジンコの増殖に及ぼす化学物質の影響試験(OECD 法). | 生態化学, 6. | 1984 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 0.12 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 4.4 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Bishop WE & Perry RL | Development and evaluation of a flow-through growth inhibition test with duckweed (Lemna minor) | In: Branson DR & Dickson KL ed. Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, American Society for Testing and Materials | 1981 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 96 | hours | 23.94 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Maki AW | Correlations between Daphnia magna and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) chronic toxicity values for several classes of test substance | J Fish Res Board Can | 1979 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 48 | hours | 2.3 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | EC50 | 48 | hours | 2.2 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Barera Y & Adams WJ | Resolving some practical questions about Daphnia acute toxicity tests | In: Bishop WE, Cardwell RD, & Heidolph BB ed. Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, American Society for Testing and Materials | 1983 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | 繫殖 | LC50 | 21 | days | 1.67 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Maki, A.W. | Correlations between Daphnia magna and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas)chronic toxicity values for several classes of test substances. | J. Fish. Res. Board Can., 36. | 1979 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | survival | NOEC | 21 | days | 10 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Canton JH & Slooff W | Substitutes for phosphate containing washing products: their toxicity and biodegradability in the aquatic environment | Chemosphere | 1982 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | 繫殖 | EC50 | 21 | days | 1.5 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Maki, A.W. | Correlations between Daphnia magna and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas)chronic toxicity values for several classes of test substances. | J. Fish. Res. Board Can., 36. | 1979 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality, reproduction | NOEC | 21 | days | 570 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Maki, A.W. | Correlations Between Daphnia magna and Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) Chronic Toxicity Values for Several Classes of Test Substances. | J.Fish.Res.Board Can. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1979 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Reproduction | NOEC | 21 | days | 3300 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | 環境省 | 平成11 年度 生態影響試験 | 2000 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality, reproduction | NOEC | 21 | days | >630 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Swisher, R.D., W.E. Gledhill, R.A. kimerle and T.A. Taulli | Carboxylated Intermediates in the Biodegradation of Linear Alkylbenzene Sufonates (LAS). | Ⅷ International Congress on Surface Active Sabstance, Preceedings. | 1976 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 21 | days | 1.67 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Maki AW | Correlations between Daphnia magna and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) chronic toxicity values for several classes of test substance | J Fish Res Board Can | 1979 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | 繫殖 | NOEC | 21 | days | 1.65 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Radix, P., Leonard, M., Papantoniou, C., Roman, G., Saouter, E., Gallotti-Schmitt, S., Thiebaud, H. and Vasseur, P. | Comparison of four chronic toxicity tests using algae, bacteria, and invertebrates assessed with sixteen chemicals. | Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., 47. | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Reproduction | NOEC | 21 | days | 803 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | 財団法人 化学品検査協会 | LAS のミジンコ類による繁殖試験. LAS の魚介類に対する影響評価試験報告書. | 日本石鹸洗剤工業会編 | 1985 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality, reproduction | NOEC | 21 | days | 1180 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Maki, A.W. | Correlations Between Daphnia magna and Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) Chronic Toxicity Values for Several Classes of Test Substances. | J.Fish.Res.Board Can. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1979 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | reproduction | EC50 | 21 | days | >10 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Canton JH & Slooff W | Substitutes for phosphate containing washing products: their toxicity and biodegradability in the aquatic environment | Chemosphere | 1982 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia sp. Daphnia carinata | 繫殖 | NOEC | 21 | days | 9.6 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 服部充雄, 妹尾枸杞, 原田周二, 石津淑子, 後藤幹保(1984) | ミジンコの増殖に及ぼす化学物質の影響試験(OECD 法). | 生態化学, 6. | 1984 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | total young production | EC50 | 21 | days | 1.5 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Maki AW | Correlations between Daphnia magna and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) chronic toxicity values for several classes of test substance | J Fish Res Board Can | 1979 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | average brood size | EC50 | 21 | days | 2.3 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Maki AW | Correlations between Daphnia magna and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) chronic toxicity values for several classes of test substance | J Fish Res Board Can | 1979 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | 繫殖 | NOEC | 21 | days | 1.18 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Maki, A.W. | Correlations between Daphnia magna and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas)chronic toxicity values for several classes of test substances. | J. Fish. Res. Board Can., 36. | 1979 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 21 | days | 18 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Canton JH & Slooff W | Substitutes for phosphate containing washing products: their toxicity and biodegradability in the aquatic environment | Chemosphere | 1982 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | percentage of days on which reproduction occurred | EC50 | 21 | days | 2.31 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Maki AW | Correlations between Daphnia magna and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) chronic toxicity values for several classes of test substance | J Fish Res Board Can | 1979 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | average brood size | EC50 | 21 | days | 1.4.1 mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Maki AW | Correlations between Daphnia magna and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) chronic toxicity values for several classes of test substance | J Fish Res Board Can | 1979 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | percentage of days on which reproduction occurred | EC50 | 21 | days | 1.29 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Maki AW | Correlations between Daphnia magna and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) chronic toxicity values for several classes of test substance | J Fish Res Board Can | 1979 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 21 | days | 1.17 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Maki AW | Correlations between Daphnia magna and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) chronic toxicity values for several classes of test substance | J Fish Res Board Can | 1979 | 2016/02/01 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | NOEC | 21 | days | 1.2~3.2 | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Taylor MJ | Effect of diet on the sensitivity of Daphnia magna to linear alkylbenzene sulfonate | In: Cardwell RD, Purdy R, & Bahner RC ed. Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment: Seventh Symposium. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, American Society for Testing and Materials | 1985 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | LC50 | 21 | days | 2.2~4.7 | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Taylor MJ | Effect of diet on the sensitivity of Daphnia magna to linear alkylbenzene sulfonate | In: Cardwell RD, Purdy R, & Bahner RC ed. Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment: Seventh Symposium. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, American Society for Testing and Materials | 1985 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | total young production | EC50 | 21 | days | 11.1 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Maki AW | Correlations between Daphnia magna and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) chronic toxicity values for several classes of test substance | J Fish Res Board Can | 1979 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia sp. Daphnia carinata | reproduction | EC50 | 14 | days | >16.8 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Hattori M, Seno K, Harada S, Ishizu Y, & Goto M | Effects of some environmental chemicals in the Daphnia reproduction test | Jpn Ecol Chem | 1984 | 2016/02/01 | ||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | Mortality | 2 | days | 5600 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | 有馬多恵子、高橋耿之介、川名俊雄、若林明子、菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-Ⅱ~コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性~. | 水産増殖 | 1981 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Mortality | LC50 | 4 | days | 4100 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Holman, W.F., and K.J. Macek | An Aquatic Safety Assessment of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS): Chronic Effects on Fathead Minnows. | Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1980 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | Mortality | LC50 | 4 | days | 4300 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Toshima, Y., F. Hori and K. Yoshimura | Reproducibility of Acute Toxicity Data of Sodium n-Dodecylbenzenesulfonate to Red Killifish, Oryzias Latipes. | 水産増殖 | 1995 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | Mortality | LC50 | 4 | days | 6500 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Lubinski, K.S., R.E. Sparks, and L.A. Jahn | The Development of Toxicity Indices for Assessing the Quality of the Illinois River. | WRC Res.Report No.96, University of Illinois, Water Resour.Center, Urbana, I L:46. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1974 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Mortality | 2 | days | 4600 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Pickering, Q.H., and T.O. Thatcher | The Chronic Toxicity of Linear Alkylate Sulfonate (LAS) to Pimephales promelas, Rafinesque. | J.Water Pollut.Control Fed. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1970 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 4700 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Kimerle, R.A., and R.D. Swisher | Reduction of Aquatic Toxicity of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS) by Biodegradation. | Water Res. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1977 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | Mortality | LC50 | 4 | days | 4500 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | 環境省 | 平成11 年度 生態影響試験 | 2000 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | Mortality | 2 | days | 1300 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Hokanson, K.E.F.Jr. | Some Factors Influencing Toxicity of Linear Alkylate Sulfonate (LAS) to the Bluegill. | Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1971 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Mortality | LC50 | 4 | days | 1180 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Fairchild, J.F., F.J. Dwyer, and T.W. LaPoint | Evaluation of a Laboratory-Generated NOEC for Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate in Outdoor Experimental Streams. | Environ.Toxicol.Chem. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1993 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Mortality | LC50 | 4 | days | 4600 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Swisher, R.D., W.E. Gledhill, R.A. kimerle and T.A. Taulli | Carboxylated Intermediates in the Biodegradation of Linear Alkylbenzene Sufonates (LAS). | Ⅷ International Congress on Surface Active Sabstance, Preceedings. | 1976 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Carassius auratus (Goldfish) | LC50 | 6 | hours | 12.2 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Gafa S | Studies on relationship between acute toxicity to fish and surface activity of anionic surfactants | Riv Ital Sostanze Grasse | 1974 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 24 | hours | 4.8 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 若林明子, 鬼塚聡 | 魚類の急性毒性に影響を与えるいくつかの因子について. | 東京都環境科学研究所年報. | 1986 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 0.86 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Holman WF & Macek KJ | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): chronic effects on fathead minnows | Trans Am Fish Soc, | 1980 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | ふ化率 発生段階 | EC50 | 32 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
魚類 | Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 5.6~10 | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Canton,J.H. and Slooff,W. (1982) | Substitutes for phosphate containing washing products: their toxicity and biodegradability in the aquatic environment. | Chemosphere, 11. | 1982 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 4.6 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Carassius auratus (Goldfish) | LC50 | 6 | hours | 8.2 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Reiff B, Lloyd R, How MJ, Brown D, & Alabaster JS | The acute toxicity of eleven detergents to fish: results of an interlaboratory exercise | Water Res | 1979 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 3.2 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 0.4 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Comotto, R.M., Kimerle, R.A. and Swisher, R.D. | Bioconcentration and metabolism of linear alkylbenzene sulphonate by daphnids and fathead minnows. | In: Marking, L.L. & Kimerle, R.A.ed. Aquatic toxicology. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia. | 1979 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 1.7 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 12.3 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Holman WF & Macek KJ | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): chronic effects on fathead minnows | Trans Am Fish Soc, | 1980 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 7.3 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Hidaka H, Suga M, & Tatsukawa R | Avoidance of anionic surfactants in medakas (Oryzias latipes) | Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi | 1984 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | >50 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Tomiyama S | Effects of surfactants on fish | Bull Jpn Soc Sci Fish ish | 1974 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 13 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Carassius auratus (Goldfish) | LC50 | 6 | hours | 61 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Gafa S | Studies on relationship between acute toxicity to fish and surface activity of anionic surfactants | Riv Ital Sostanze Grasse | 1974 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | Mortality | 2 | days | 2200 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Hokanson, K.E.F.Jr. | Some Factors Influencing Toxicity of Linear Alkylate Sulfonate (LAS) to the Bluegill. | Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1971 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 4.4 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 若林明子, 菊地幹夫, 永沼義春, 川原浩(1984) | 洗剤に用いられる界面活性剤の魚毒性に関する研究. | 東京都公害研究所年報. | 1984 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 4.1 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Holman WF & Macek KJ | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): chronic effects on fathead minnows | Trans Am Fish Soc, | 1980 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | Mortality | 1 | days | 2850 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Hokanson, K.E.F.Jr. | Some Factors Influencing Toxicity of Linear Alkylate Sulfonate (LAS) to the Bluegill. | Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1971 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Mortality | LC50 | 4 | days | 860 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Holman, W.F., and K.J. Macek | An Aquatic Safety Assessment of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS): Chronic Effects on Fathead Minnows. | Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1980 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | Mortality | 2 | days | 1600 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Hokanson, K.E.F.Jr. | Some Factors Influencing Toxicity of Linear Alkylate Sulfonate (LAS) to the Bluegill. | Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1971 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | Mortality | 2 | days | 3200 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Hokanson, K.E.F.Jr. | Some Factors Influencing Toxicity of Linear Alkylate Sulfonate (LAS) to the Bluegill. | Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1971 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | Mortality | LC50 | 4 | days | 4700 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | 若林明子、菊地幹夫、永沼義春、川原浩 | 洗剤に用いられる界面活性剤の魚毒性に関する研究. | 東京都公害研究所年報 | 1984 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 4.2~4.5 | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Pickering QH & Thatcher TO | The chronic toxicity of linear alkylate sulfonate (LAS) to Pimephales promelas, Rafinesque. | J Water Pollut Control Fed | 1970 | 2016/03/04 | ||||||||
魚類 | Carassius auratus (Goldfish) | LC50 | 6 | hours | 10 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Gafa S | Studies on relationship between acute toxicity to fish and surface activity of anionic surfactants | Riv Ital Sostanze Grasse | 1974 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 2.8~2.9 | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Hokanson KEF & Smith LL | Some factors influencing toxicity of linear alkylate sulfonate (LAS) to the bluegill | Trans Am Fish Soc | 1971 | 2016/03/04 | ||||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 4.8 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 72 | hours | 8.4 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 若林明子, 鬼塚聡(1986) | 魚類の急性毒性に影響を与えるいくつかの因子について. | 東京都環境科学研究所年報. | 1986 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 3.4 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | McKim JM, Arthur JW, & Thorslund TW | Toxicity of a linear alkylate sulfonate detergent to larvae of four species of freshwater fish | Bull Environ Contam Toxicol | 1975 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 0.4 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Comotto, R.M., Kimerle, R.A. and Swisher, R.D. | Bioconcentration and metabolism of linear alkylbenzene sulphonate by daphnids and fathead minnows. | In: Marking, L.L. & Kimerle, R.A.ed. Aquatic toxicology. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia. | 1979 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | Mortality | LC50 | 4 | days | 1670 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Lewis, M.A. and R.L. Perry | Acute Toxicities of Equimolar and Equitoxic Surfactant Mixtures to Daphnia magna and Lepomis macrochirus. | Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment: Fourth Conference, ASTM STP 737, D.R. Branson and K.L. Dickson, Eds. | 1981 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 4 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Tomiyama S | Effects of surfactants on fish | Bull Jpn Soc Sci Fish ish | 1974 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | ふ化率 発生段階 | EC50 | 10.5 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 4 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Iimori M & Takita Y | A study of the effect of linear alkylbenzenesulfonate on fish | J Jpn Oil Chem Soc | 1979 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | Mortality | LC50 | 4 | days | 4400 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | 若林明子、菊地幹夫、永沼義春、川原浩 | 洗剤に用いられる界面活性剤の魚毒性に関する研究 | 東京都公害研究所年報 | 1984 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 2.1 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 4.7 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M, Kikuchi M, Naganuma Y, & Kawakara H | Acute toxicity of some detergents in fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo | 1984 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | >50 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Tomiyama S | Effects of surfactants on fish | Bull Jpn Soc Sci Fish ish | 1974 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 43 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Mortality | 4 | days | 4350 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Pickering, Q.H., and T.O. Thatcher | The Chronic Toxicity of Linear Alkylate Sulfonate (LAS) to Pimephales promelas, Rafinesque. | J.Water Pollut.Control Fed. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1970 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 8.7 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 若林明子, 鬼塚聡(1986) | 魚類の急性毒性に影響を与えるいくつかの因子について. | 東京都環境科学研究所年報. | 1986 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | Mortality | 2 | days | 3000 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Hokanson, K.E.F.Jr. | Some Factors Influencing Toxicity of Linear Alkylate Sulfonate (LAS) to the Bluegill. | Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1971 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | >50 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Tomiyama S | Effects of surfactants on fish | Bull Jpn Soc Sci Fish ish | 1974 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 24 | hours | 6.3 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 若林明子, 鬼塚聡(1986) | 魚類の急性毒性に影響を与えるいくつかの因子について. | 東京都環境科学研究所年報. | 1986 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | Mortality | 1 | days | 4250 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Hokanson, K.E.F.Jr. | Some Factors Influencing Toxicity of Linear Alkylate Sulfonate (LAS) to the Bluegill. | Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1971 | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 3.4 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Carassius auratus (Goldfish) | LC50 | 6 | hours | 7.6 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Gafa S | Studies on relationship between acute toxicity to fish and surface activity of anionic surfactants | Riv Ital Sostanze Grasse | 1974 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Carassius auratus (Goldfish) | LC50 | 6 | hours | 7 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Reiff B, Lloyd R, How MJ, Brown D, & Alabaster JS | The acute toxicity of eleven detergents to fish: results of an interlaboratory exercise | Water Res | 1979 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Mortality | LC50 | 7 | days | 710 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Fairchild, J.F., F.J. Dwyer, and T.W. LaPoint | Evaluation of a Laboratory-Generated NOEC for Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate in Outdoor Experimental Streams. | Environ.Toxicol.Chem. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1993 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 700 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Yoshioka, Y., Y. Ose, and T. Sato | Correlation of the Five Test Methods to Assess Chemical Toxicity and Relation to Physical Properties. | Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1986 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Mortality | LC50 | 2 | days | 400 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Kimerle, R.A., and R.D. Swisher | Reduction of Aquatic Toxicity of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS) by Biodegradation. | Water Res. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1977 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 10 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kikuchi M, Wakabayashi M, Nakamura T, Inoue W, Takahashi K, Kawana T, Kawahara H, & Koido Y | A study of detergents. II. Acute toxicity of anionic surfactants on aquatic organisms | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot | 1976 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 24 | hours | 9.2 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 若林明子, 鬼塚聡(1986) | 魚類の急性毒性に影響を与えるいくつかの因子について. | 東京都環境科学研究所年報. | 1986 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 12.3 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Holman, W.F. and Macek, K.J. | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): Chronic effects on fathead minnows. | Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109. | 1980 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 4.1 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Holman, W.F. and Macek, K.J. | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): Chronic effects on fathead minnows. | Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109. | 1980 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 15 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kikuchi M, Wakabayashi M, Nakamura T, Inoue W, Takahashi K, Kawana T, Kawahara H, & Koido Y | A study of detergents. II. Acute toxicity of anionic surfactants on aquatic organisms | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot | 1976 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 10~18 | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Canton JH & Slooff W | Substitutes for phosphate containing washing products: their toxicity and biodegradability in the aquatic environment | Chemosphere | 1982 | 2016/03/04 | ||||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | ふ化率 発生段階 | LC50 | 24 | hours | 15 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | ふ化率 発生段階 | EC50 | 25 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 3.5 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Solon JM, Lincer JL, & Nair JH | The effect of sublethal concentration of LAS on the acute toxicity of various insecticides to the fathead minnow ( Pimephales promelas Rafinesque) | Water Res | 1969 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 10 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kikuchi M & Wakabayashi M | Lethal response of some surfactants to medaka (Oryzias latipes) with relation to chemical structure | Bull Jpn Soc Sci Fish | 1984 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 24 | hours | 5.6 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 6.7 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 1.4 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 5.6~10 | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Canton JH & Slooff W | Substitutes for phosphate containing washing products: their toxicity and biodegradability in the aquatic environment | Chemosphere | 1982 | 2016/03/04 | ||||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 1.6 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 4.7 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 若林明子, 菊地幹夫, 永沼義春, 川原浩(1984) | 洗剤に用いられる界面活性剤の魚毒性に関する研究. | 東京都公害研究所年報. 東京都公害研究所年報, 114-118. | 1984 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Carassius auratus (Goldfish) | LC50 | 24 | hours | 7.6 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Tsai CF & McKee RA | The toxicity to goldfish of mixtures of chloramines, and LAS (linear alkylate sulfonate) | College Park Maryland, University of Maryland, Water Resources Research Center, 36 pp (Technical Report No. 44; PB-280-554) | 1978 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Carassius auratus (Goldfish) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 7.5 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Tsai CF & McKee RA | The toxicity to goldfish of mixtures of chloramines, and LAS (linear alkylate sulfonate) | College Park Maryland, University of Maryland, Water Resources Research Center, 36 pp (Technical Report No. 44; PB-280-554) | 1978 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 10~18 | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Canton,J.H. and Slooff,W. | Substitutes for phosphate containing washing products: their toxicity and biodegradability in the aquatic environment. | Chemosphere, 11. | 1982 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
魚類 | Carassius auratus (Goldfish) | LC50 | 72 | hours | 7 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Tsai CF & McKee RA | The toxicity to goldfish of mixtures of chloramines, and LAS (linear alkylate sulfonate) | College Park Maryland, University of Maryland, Water Resources Research Center, 36 pp (Technical Report No. 44; PB-280-554) | 1978 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 0.72 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Dolan JM & Hendricks AC | The lethality of an intact and degraded LAS mixture to bluegill sunfish and a snail | J Water Pollut Control Fed | 1976 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 4.8 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 4 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Thatcher TO & Santner JF | Acute toxicity of LAS to various fish species | Proceedings of 21st Industrial Waste Conference, Purdue University. Washington, Industrial Waste Association | 1967 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 4.2 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Thatcher TO & Santner JF | Acute toxicity of LAS to various fish species | Proceedings of 21st Industrial Waste Conference, Purdue University. Washington, Industrial Waste Association | 1967 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 7.6 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Hidaka H, Suga M, & Tatsukawa R | Avoidance of anionic surfactants in medakas (Oryzias latipes) | Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi | 1984 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 5.6 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kikuchi M, Wakabayashi M, Nakamura T, Inoue W, Takahashi K, Kawana T, Kawahara H, & Koido Y | A study of detergents. II. Acute toxicity of anionic surfactants on aquatic organisms | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot | 1976 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 0.4 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 4.4 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M, Kikuchi M, Naganuma Y, & Kawakara H | Acute toxicity of some detergents in fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1984 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 10 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Arima T, Takahashi K, Kawana T, Wakabayashi M, & Kikuchi M Lopez-Zavala A, Aluja AS de, Elias BL, Manjarrez L, Buchmann A, Mercado L, & Caltenco S The effects of the ABS, LAS and AOS detergents on fish, domestic animals and plants Prog Water Technol 7: 73-82 1975 | Toxicity of detergent to aquatic organisms | Aquaculture | 1981 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 43 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Comotto, R.M., Kimerle, R.A. and Swisher, R.D. | Bioconcentration and metabolism of linear alkylbenzene sulphonate by daphnids and fathead minnows. | In: Marking, L.L. & Kimerle, R.A.ed. Aquatic toxicology. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia. | 1979 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 1.7 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Comotto, R.M., Kimerle, R.A. and Swisher, R.D. | Bioconcentration and metabolism of linear alkylbenzene sulphonate by daphnids and fathead minnows. | In: Marking, L.L. & Kimerle, R.A.ed. Aquatic toxicology. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia. | 1979 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 8.8 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 1.7 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Bishop WE & Perry RL Hokanson KEF & Smith LL Some factors influencing toxicity of linear alkylate sulfonate (LAS) to the bluegill Trans Am Fish Soc 100: 1-12 1971 | Development and evaluation of a flow-through growth inhibition test with duckweed (Lemna minor) | In: Branson DR & Dickson KL ed. Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM STP 737). | 1981 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 5.6 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 4.7 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 0.72 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Dolan JM & Hendricks AC | The lethality of an intact and degraded LAS mixture to bluegill sunfish and a snail | J Water Pollut Control Fed | 1976 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 5 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Pickering QH & Thatcher TO | The chronic toxicity of linear alkylate sulfonate (LAS) to Pimephales promelas, Rafinesque | J Water Pollut Control Fed | 1970 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 4.7 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Comotto, R.M., Kimerle, R.A. and Swisher, R.D. | Bioconcentration and metabolism of linear alkylbenzene sulphonate by daphnids and fathead minnows. | In: Marking, L.L. & Kimerle, R.A.ed. Aquatic toxicology. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia. | 1979 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 24 | hours | 4 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 飯森正秀, 滝田八広 | 直鎖アルキルベンゼンスルホン酸塩の魚への影響に関する研究. | 油化学, 28. | 1979 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 16 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kimerle RA & Swisher RD | Reduction of aquatic toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) by biodegradation | Water Res | 1977 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 16 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Comotto, R.M., Kimerle, R.A. and Swisher, R.D. | Bioconcentration and metabolism of linear alkylbenzene sulphonate by daphnids and fathead minnows. | In: Marking, L.L. & Kimerle, R.A.ed. Aquatic toxicology. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia. | 1979 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 5.6 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Arima T, Takahashi K, Kawana T, Wakabayashi M, & Kikuchi M Lopez-Zavala A, Aluja AS de, Elias BL, Manjarrez L, Buchmann A, Mercado L, & Caltenco S The effects of the ABS, LAS and AOS detergents on fish, domestic animals and plants Prog Water Technol 7: 73-82 1975 | Toxicity of detergent to aquatic organisms | Aquaculture | 1981 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 1.9 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 3.5 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 2.5 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Carassius auratus (Goldfish) | LC50 | 6 | hours | 3.3 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Gafa S | Studies on relationship between acute toxicity to fish and surface activity of anionic surfactants | Riv Ital Sostanze Grasse | 1974 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Carassius auratus (Goldfish) | LC50 | 6 | hours | 8.5 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Gafa S | Studies on relationship between acute toxicity to fish and surface activity of anionic surfactants | Riv Ital Sostanze Grasse | 1974 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 5 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Lopez-Zavala A, Aluja AS de, Elias BL, Manjarrez L, Buchmann A, Mercado L, & Caltenco S | The effects of the ABS, LAS and AOS detergents on fish, domestic animals and plants | Prog Water Technol | 1975 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 6.8 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Lopez-Zavala A, Aluja AS de, Elias BL, Manjarrez L, Buchmann A, Mercado L, & Caltenco S | The effects of the ABS, LAS and AOS detergents on fish, domestic animals and plants | Prog Water Technol | 1975 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 2.6 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 若林明子, 鬼塚聡 | 魚類の急性毒性に影響を与えるいくつかの因子について. | 東京都環境科学研究所年報. | 1986 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Carassius auratus (Goldfish) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 6.2 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Tsai CF & McKee RA | The toxicity to goldfish of mixtures of chloramines, and LAS (linear alkylate sulfonate) | College Park Maryland, University of Maryland, Water Resources Research Center, 36 pp (Technical Report No. 44; PB-280-554) | 1978 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 0.86 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Holman, W.F. and Macek, K.J. | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): Chronic effects on fathead minnows. | Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109. | 1980 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 24 | hours | 10 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | LC50 | 72 | hours | 3.3 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 若林明子, 鬼塚聡 | 魚類の急性毒性に影響を与えるいくつかの因子について. | 東京都環境科学研究所年報. | 1986 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 12 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kikuchi M & Wakabayashi M | Lethal response of some surfactants to medaka (Oryzias latipes) with relation to chemical structure | Bull Jpn Soc Sci Fish | 1984 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 3.4 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 若林明子, 鬼塚聡 | 魚類の急性毒性に影響を与えるいくつかの因子について. | 東京都環境科学研究所年報. | 1986 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 4~4.5 | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Hokanson KEF & Smith LL | Some factors influencing toxicity of linear alkylate sulfonate (LAS) to the bluegill | Trans Am Fish Soc | 1971 | 2016/03/04 | ||||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 12 | hours | 5.6 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Kikuchi M, Wakabayashi M, Nakamura T, Inoue W, Takahashi K, Kawana T, Kawahara H, & Koido Y | A study of detergents. II. Acute toxicity of anionic surfactants on aquatic organisms | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot | 1976 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 3.8 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | LC50 | 0.36 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Brown VM, Abram FSH, & Collins LJ | The acute lethal toxicity to rainbow trout of an LAS surfactant and of its residues and degradation products | Tenside Surfactants Deterg | 1978 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 4.7 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | >50 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Tomiyama S | Effects of surfactants on fish | Bull Jpn Soc Sci Fish ish | 1974 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 10 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Carassius auratus (Goldfish) | LC50 | 6 | hours | 22.5 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Gafa S | Studies on relationship between acute toxicity to fish and surface activity of anionic surfactants | Riv Ital Sostanze Grasse | 1974 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Carassius auratus (Goldfish) | LC50 | 6 | hours | 4.3 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Reiff B, Lloyd R, How MJ, Brown D, & Alabaster JS | The acute toxicity of eleven detergents to fish: results of an interlaboratory exercise | Water Res | 1979 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 4 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 飯森正秀, 滝田八広 | 直鎖アルキルベンゼンスルホン酸塩の魚への影響に関する研究. | 油化学, 28. | 1979 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 72 | hours | 2.6 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 若林明子, 鬼塚聡 | 魚類の急性毒性に影響を与えるいくつかの因子について. | 東京都環境科学研究所年報. | 1986 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | LC50 | 48 | hours | 4.6 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Pickering QH & Thatcher TO | The chronic toxicity of linear alkylate sulfonate (LAS) to Pimephales promelas, Rafinesque | J Water Pollut Control Fed | 1970 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | ふ化率 発生段階 | EC50 | 15 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 2.6 | mg/L | 10 EHC (Environmental Health Criteria) | Wakabayashi M & Onizuka S | Some factors affecting toxicity of chemicals to fishes | Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Res Inst Environ Prot [Tokyo Kogai Kenkyujo Nempo] | 1986 | 2016/03/04 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Mortality | NOEC | 40 | days | 8400 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Holman, W.F., and K.J. Macek | An Aquatic Safety Assessment of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS): Chronic Effects on Fathead Minnows. | Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1980 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Reproduction | NOEC | 263 | days | 106 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Holman, W.F., and K.J. Macek | An Aquatic Safety Assessment of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS): Chronic Effects on Fathead Minnows. | Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 2016/03/03 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Mortality | NOEC | 30 | days | 1020 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Swisher, R.D., W.E. Gledhill, R.A. kimerle and T.A. Taulli | Carboxylated Intermediates in the Biodegradation of Linear Alkylbenzene Sufonates (LAS). | Ⅷ International Congress on Surface Active Sabstance, Preceedings. | 1976 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | 致死、成長、繫殖 | NOEC | 273 | days | >=1.09 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Holman, W.F. and Macek, K.J. | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): Chronic effects on fathead minnows. | Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109. | 1980 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Mortality | NOEC | 14 | days | 630 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Pickering, Q.H., and T.O. Thatcher | The Chronic Toxicity of Linear Alkylate Sulfonate (LAS) to Pimephales promelas, Rafinesque. | J.Water Pollut.Control Fed. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1970 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Reproduction | NOEC | 12 | months | 150 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Maki, A.W. | Correlations Between Daphnia magna and Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) Chronic Toxicity Values for Several Classes of Test Substances. | J.Fish.Res.Board Can. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1979 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Reproduction | NOEC | 12 | months | 900 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Maki, A.W. | Correlations Between Daphnia magna and Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) Chronic Toxicity Values for Several Classes of Test Substances. | J.Fish.Res.Board Can. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1979 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) | NOEC | 21 | days | 3.2 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Canton,J.H. and Slooff,W. (1982) | Substitutes for phosphate containing washing products: their toxicity and biodegradability in the aquatic environment. | Chemosphere, 11. | 1982 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Growth/Reproduction (F1) | NOEC | 273 | days | 1090 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Holman, W.F., and K.J. Macek | An Aquatic Safety Assessment of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS): Chronic Effects on Fathead Minnows. | Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1980 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | 致死、成長、繫殖 | NOEC | 263 | days | >=0.25 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Holman, W.F. and Macek, K.J. | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): Chronic effects on fathead minnows. | Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109. | 1980 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Mortality | NOEC | 28 | days | 700 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Fairchild, J.F., F.J. Dwyer, and T.W. LaPoint | Evaluation of a Laboratory-Generated NOEC for Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate in Outdoor Experimental Streams. | Environ.Toxicol.Chem. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1993 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | ふ化率 | NOEC | 9.8 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Holman, W.F. and Macek, K.J. | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): Chronic effects on fathead minnows. | Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109. | 1980 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | 30日間致死 | NOEC | 30 | days | 0.65 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Holman, W.F. and Macek, K.J. | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): Chronic effects on fathead minnows. | Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109. | 1980 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Mortality | NOEC | 30 | days | 280 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Holman, W.F., and K.J. Macek | An Aquatic Safety Assessment of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS): Chronic Effects on Fathead Minnows. | Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1980 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | ふ化率 発生段階 | NOEC | 20 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | ふ化率 発生段階 | NOEC | 20 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | Mortality | NOEC | 30 | days | 480 | μg/L | 6 日本環境省 化学物質の環境リスク評価(生態リスク初期評価) | Holman, W.F., and K.J. Macek | An Aquatic Safety Assessment of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS): Chronic Effects on Fathead Minnows. | Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. (U.S.EPA「AQUIRE」) | 1980 | 2016/03/03 | ||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | ふ化率 発生段階 | NOEC | 7.7 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | ふ化率 発生段階 | NOEC | 7.7 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | NOEC | 48 | hours | 2 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | F1 60日間致死 | NOEC | 60 | days | 0.11 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Holman, W.F. and Macek, K.J. | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): Chronic effects on fathead minnows. | Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109. | 1980 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | F1ふ化率 | NOEC | >=0.25 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Holman, W.F. and Macek, K.J. | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): Chronic effects on fathead minnows. | Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109. | 1980 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | 40日間致死 | NOEC | 40 | days | 8.4 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Holman, W.F. and Macek, K.J. | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): Chronic effects on fathead minnows. | Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109. | 1980 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | ふ化率 | NOEC | >=0.74 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Holman, W.F. and Macek, K.J. | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): Chronic effects on fathead minnows. | Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109. | 1980 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | NOEC | 48 | hours | 5 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | F1 60日間成長 | NOEC | 60 | days | 0.11 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Holman, W.F. and Macek, K.J. | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): Chronic effects on fathead minnows. | Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109. | 1980 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | 30日間致死 | NOEC | 30 | days | 0.48 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Holman, W.F. and Macek, K.J. | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): Chronic effects on fathead minnows. | Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109. | 1980 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | 親60日間致死 | NOEC | 60 | days | 0.11 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Holman, W.F. and Macek, K.J. | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): Chronic effects on fathead minnows. | Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109. | 1980 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | 繫殖 | NOEC | 0.9 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Maki, A.W. | Correlations between Daphnia magna and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) chronic toxicity values for several classes of test substances. | J. Fish. Res. Board Can., 36. | 1979 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | NOEC | 24 | hours | 5 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 | |||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | 親60日間成長 | NOEC | 60 | days | >=0.25 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Holman, W.F. and Macek, K.J. | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): Chronic effects on fathead minnows. | Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109. | 1980 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | 繫殖 | NOEC | 0.15 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Maki, A.W. | Correlations between Daphnia magna and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) chronic toxicity values for several classes of test substances. | J. Fish. Res. Board Can., 36. | 1979 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
魚類 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) | ふ化率 | NOEC | >=1.78 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | Holman, W.F. and Macek, K.J. | An aquatic safety assessment of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS): Chronic effects on fathead minnows. | Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109. | 1980 | 2016/03/16 | ||||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | NOEC | 24 | hours | 2 | mg/L | 8 NITE 化学物質の初期リスク評価書 | 有馬多恵子, 高橋耿之介, 川名俊雄, 若林明子, 菊地幹夫 | 洗剤の水生生物に対する毒性-II コイの卵・仔魚および稚魚に対する陰イオン界面活性剤の毒性. | 水産増殖, 29. | 1981 | 2016/03/16 |