* 生態影響に係る有害性情報更新日が2019年9月以前はRead-acrossデータに○を記載しておらず、被験物質が標記の物質ではない可能性がある。
生物種 | 学名 | 影響内容 | エンドポイント | 暴露期間(値) | 暴露期間(単位) | 毒性値 | 毒性値(単位) | 毒性値(単位)種別 | 試験中の 被験物質 濃度測定 あり:○ なし:× |
情報源 | 情報源による 信頼性評価** |
著者 | タイトル | 記載誌 | 発行年 | 情報更新日 | |||
subject type | scientific name | effect | endpoint | exposure duration value |
exposure duration unit |
toxicity value | toxicity unit | toxicity unit type | Read-across* | QSAR | GLP | measurement of the test material |
original work type | original work reliability rank |
author | title | referenced journal | publication year | Information update date |
藻類 | Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | GROWTH | EC50 | 72 | hours | 110 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | C. Aubee | 2010 | 2018/03/22 | ||||||||
藻類 | Anabaena flos-aquae | GROWTH | EC50 | 96 | hours | 20 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | H.Yingling | 2015 | 2018/03/22 | ||||||||
藻類 | Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | GROWTH | EC50 | 96 | hours | 130 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | H.Yingling | 2015 | 2018/03/22 | ||||||||
藻類 | Navicula pelliculosa | GROWTH | EC50 | 96 | hours | >98 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | H.Yingling | 2015 | 2018/03/22 | ||||||||
藻類 | Skeletonema costatum | EC50 | 96 | hours | >96 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | H.Yingling | 2015 | 2018/03/22 | |||||||||
藻類 | Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | GROWTH | NOEL | 72 | hours | 19.7 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | C. Aubee | 2010 | 2018/03/22 | ||||||||
藻類 | Navicula pelliculosa | GROWTH | NOEL | 96 | hours | 98 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | H.Yingling | 2015 | 2018/03/22 | ||||||||
藻類 | Anabaena flos-aquae | GROWTH | NOEL | 96 | hours | 30 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | H.Yingling | 2015 | 2018/03/22 | ||||||||
藻類 | Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | GROWTH | NOEL | 96 | hours | 23 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | H.Yingling | 2015 | 2018/03/22 | ||||||||
藻類 | Skeletonema costatum | NOEL | 96 | hours | 96 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | H.Yingling | 2015 | 2018/03/22 | |||||||||
甲殻類 | Chironomus riparius | NOEL | 28 | days | 0.1 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | Contract draft CAM | 2012 | 2018/03/22 | |||||||||
甲殻類 | Chironomus riparius | LOEC | 28 | days | 0.2 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | Contract draft CAM | 2012 | 2018/03/22 | |||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 23 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | Contract draft CDM | 2012 | 2018/03/22 | |||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 23 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | Contract draft CDM | 2012 | 2018/03/22 | |||||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 31.5 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | Contract draft CDM | 2012 | 2018/03/22 | |||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | SURVIVE,GROWTH | LOEC | 95 | days | 2.49 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | Contract draft CDM | 2012 | 2018/03/22 | ||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | LC50 | 21 | days | 8.15 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | H. Yingling | 2015 | 2018/03/22 | |||||||||
魚類 | Cyprinodon variegatus (Sheepshead minnow) | SURVIVE,GROWTH | NOEL | 34 | days | 1.2 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | Contract draft CDM | 2011 | 2018/03/22 | ||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | LC50 | 21 | days | 22.7 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | Contract draft CAM | 1992 | 2018/03/22 | |||||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | NOEL | 96 | hours | <3.8 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | Contract draft CDM | 2012 | 2018/03/22 | |||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | NOEL | 96 | hours | <1.2 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | Contract draft CDM | 2012 | 2018/03/22 | |||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | NOEL | 96 | hours | <1.2 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | Contract draft CDM | 2012 | 2018/03/22 | |||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | NOEL | 21 | days | 0.72 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | Contract draft CAM | 1992 | 2018/03/22 | |||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | SURVIVE,GROWTH | NOEL | 95 | days | 1.2 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | Contract draft CDM | 2012 | 2018/03/22 | ||||||||
魚類 | Cyprinodon variegatus (Sheepshead minnow) | SURVIVE,GROWTH | LOEC | 34 | days | 2.4 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | Contract draft CDM | 2011 | 2018/03/22 | ||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | NOEL | 21 | days | 2 | ppm | 3 USEPA Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database | H. Yingling | 2015 | 2018/03/22 |