* 生態影響に係る有害性情報更新日が2019年9月以前はRead-acrossデータに○を記載しておらず、被験物質が標記の物質ではない可能性がある。
生物種 | 学名 | 影響内容 | エンドポイント | 暴露期間(値) | 暴露期間(単位) | 毒性値 | 毒性値(単位) | 毒性値(単位)種別 | 試験中の 被験物質 濃度測定 あり:○ なし:× |
情報源 | 情報源による 信頼性評価** |
著者 | タイトル | 記載誌 | 発行年 | 情報更新日 | |||
subject type | scientific name | effect | endpoint | exposure duration value |
exposure duration unit |
toxicity value | toxicity unit | toxicity unit type | Read-across* | QSAR | GLP | measurement of the test material |
original work type | original work reliability rank |
author | title | referenced journal | publication year | Information update date |
藻類 | Desmodesmus subspicatus | growth rate | ErC50 | 72 | hours | >100 | mg/L | ○ | 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances | 2 | study report | 2008 | 2016/03/26 | ||||||
藻類 | Desmodesmus subspicatus | biomass | EbC50 | 72 | hours | >100 | mg/L | ○ | 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances | 2 | study report | 2008 | 2016/03/26 | ||||||
藻類 | Desmodesmus subspicatus | growth rate | ErC50 | 72 | hours | >100 | mg/L | ○ | 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances | 1 | study report | 2009 | 2016/03/26 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Mortality | 7 | days | 20000 | μg/L | 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) | Ellis,M.M. | Detection and Measurement of Stream Pollution | In: Bull.Bur.Fish.No.22, U.S.Dep.Commerce, Washington, DC:365-437 | 1937 | 2016/03/25 | |||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | Physiology | NOEC | 16 | hours | 88000 | μg/L | 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) | Anderson,B.G. | The Toxicity Thresholds of Various Substances Found in Industrial Wastes as Determined by the Use of Daphnia magna | Sewage Works J.16(6): 1156-1165 | 1944 | 2016/03/25 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | mobility | EC50 | 48 | hours | >100 | mg/L | ○ | 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances | 2 | study report | 2009 | 2016/03/26 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | mobility | EC50 | 24 | hours | >100 | mg/L | ○ | 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances | 2 | study report | 2009 | 2016/03/26 | ||||||
甲殻類 | Daphnia magna | EC50 | 24 | hours | 29 | mg/L | 4 OECD SIDS (HPVC) | 2 | OECD SIDS | SIDS Initial Assessment Report | 2001 | 2016/02/25 | |||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | Biochemical | 0.2 | N | 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) | Goss,G.G., and C.M. Wood | The Effects of Acid and Acid/Aluminum Exposure on Circulating Plasma Cortisol Levels and Other Blood Parameters in the Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri | J. Fish Biol.32(1): 63-76 | 1988 | 2016/03/25 | |||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | Biochemical | 0.2 | N | 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) | Goss,G.G., and C.M. Wood | The Effects of Acid and Acid/Aluminum Exposure on Circulating Plasma Cortisol Levels and Other Blood Parameters in the Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri | J. Fish Biol.32(1): 63-76 | 1988 | 2016/03/25 | |||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | Biochemical | 0.2 | N | 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) | Goss,G.G., and C.M. Wood | The Effects of Acid and Acid/Aluminum Exposure on Circulating Plasma Cortisol Levels and Other Blood Parameters in the Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri | J. Fish Biol.32(1): 63-76 | 1988 | 2016/03/25 | |||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | Biochemical | 0.2 | N | 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) | Goss,G.G., and C.M. Wood | The Effects of Acid and Acid/Aluminum Exposure on Circulating Plasma Cortisol Levels and Other Blood Parameters in the Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri | J. Fish Biol.32(1): 63-76 | 1988 | 2016/03/25 | |||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | Mortality | 3 | days | 0.2 | N | 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) | Goss,G.G., and C.M. Wood | The Effects of Acid and Acid/Aluminum Exposure on Circulating Plasma Cortisol Levels and Other Blood Parameters in the Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri | J. Fish Biol.32(1): 63-76 | 1988 | 2016/03/25 | |||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | Biochemical | 0.2 | N | 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) | Goss,G.G., and C.M. Wood | The Effects of Acid and Acid/Aluminum Exposure on Circulating Plasma Cortisol Levels and Other Blood Parameters in the Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri | J. Fish Biol.32(1): 63-76 | 1988 | 2016/03/25 | |||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | Biochemical | 0.2 | N | 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) | Goss,G.G., and C.M. Wood | The Effects of Acid and Acid/Aluminum Exposure on Circulating Plasma Cortisol Levels and Other Blood Parameters in the Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri | J. Fish Biol.32(1): 63-76 | 1988 | 2016/03/25 | |||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | Biochemical | 0.2 | N | 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) | Goss,G.G., and C.M. Wood | The Effects of Acid and Acid/Aluminum Exposure on Circulating Plasma Cortisol Levels and Other Blood Parameters in the Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri | J. Fish Biol.32(1): 63-76 | 1988 | 2016/03/25 | |||||||||
魚類 | Cyprinus carpio (Carp) | Cellular Effects | 1 | days | 20000 | μg/L | 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) | Fujiya,M. | Use of Electrophoretic Serum Separation in Fish Studies | J. Water Pollut. Control Fed.33(3): 250-257 | 1961 | 2016/03/25 | |||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | Biochemical | 0.2 | N | 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) | Goss,G.G., and C.M. Wood | The Effects of Acid and Acid/Aluminum Exposure on Circulating Plasma Cortisol Levels and Other Blood Parameters in the Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri | J. Fish Biol.32(1): 63-76 | 1988 | 2016/03/25 | |||||||||
魚類 | Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) | Biochemical | 0.2 | N | 16 US EPA AQUIRE (AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval) | Goss,G.G., and C.M. Wood | The Effects of Acid and Acid/Aluminum Exposure on Circulating Plasma Cortisol Levels and Other Blood Parameters in the Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri | J. Fish Biol.32(1): 63-76 | 1988 | 2016/03/25 | |||||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | mortality | LC50 | 96 | hours | >16~<28 | × | 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances | 2 | Ellgaard EG & Gilmore JY III | Effects of different acids on the bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque | J Fish Biol | 1984 | 2016/03/26 | |||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | mortality | LC50 | 96 | hours | >16~<28 | × | 12 ECHA Information on Registered Substances | 2 | Ellgaard EG & Gilmore JY III | Effects of different acids on the bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque | J Fish Biol | 1984 | 2016/03/26 | |||||
魚類 | Brachydanio rerio (Zebrafish) | LC50 | 24 | hours | 82 | mg/L | × | 4 OECD SIDS (HPVC) | 2 | OECD SIDS | SIDS Initial Assessment Report | 2001 | 2016/02/25 | ||||||
魚類 | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) | LC50 | 96 | hours | 16~28 | 4 OECD SIDS (HPVC) | 3or4 | OECD SIDS | SIDS Initial Assessment Report | 2001 | 2016/02/25 |